
GoodHunting Read Online Free PDF

Book: GoodHunting Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kannan Feng
was splitting the garment
down the middle, baring the glaring white satin of her corset. He palmed the
sharp nip of her waist, feeling the steel bones that shaped her flesh.
    “I would tear that as well,” he said, “if I did not like the
look of it so much.”
    She pulled herself up out of the ruin of her once-fine dress
and Daniel ran his hands over her corseted waist, admiring the swell of her
hips below and her plump breasts above. He leaned down to run his lips over her
breasts and she sighed before a sharp nip made her moan.
    It wasn’t hard enough to draw blood, but it was close and he
kissed a line over her soft breasts to her throat, where the stolen blood
thundered like a river.
    “Beautiful,” he groaned, and she could tell that he was as
hungry as she had been.
    “You’re starving,” she said, and it came out huskier than
she intended. It sounded like a taunt, and he frowned at her darkly, giving her
another punishing nip with his teeth.
    “You should be more afraid of me,” he said, sliding one leg
between hers. The legs of her scandalously narrow drawers were connected by
nothing more than a cord at the waistband, and her humid flesh pressed against
his trousered leg with nothing between them.
    She purred but then she looked directly up into his eyes.
    “I shall never be afraid of you,” she said tenderly. “In
your arms, I am in the safest I ever am in all the world.”
    Her sweet confession caught him off guard, and a smile
quirked his lips.
    “Sweet words and longing looks aren’t going to get you out
of this, beloved,” he said, and before she could ask him what he meant, his
mouth crashed down on hers, his tongue spearing between her lips.
    There was nothing sweet about it, it was only hunger barely
restrained. After a moment, she grasped his shoulders and pulled him even
closer. Her body craved his and she pushed up against him, nearly moaning in
her want.
    Yet again, though, he pulled back, and as she watched, he
stripped off his belt with an unmistakable air of menace.
    “You’ve kept yourself away from me too long,” he repeated.
“Don’t think you’ll be getting off so lightly.”
    He doubled the belt between his hands and ran it along the
line of her jaw.
    “Are you going to beat me?” she asked, and there was as much
anticipation in her voice as there was fear. The leather looked gorgeous in his
hands, its supple length sliding through his lean fingers, and she could
imagine the bright slash of pain as it cut into her most tender flesh.
    Instead of answering her, he lashed her wrists to the bars
of the headboard, pulling the leather tight with a jerk that made her gasp.
    She strained against it and thought perhaps she could break
free if she wished. Then she looked up at Daniel, who was shucking off his
shirt, and wondered why in the world she would ever want to.
    “You’ve dreamed of me helpless under your hands,” she
whispered, arching her body up so that her breasts rose up out of her corset.
It made him pause as he stripped, taking in her creamy flesh and the way that
the restraints held her so taut and ready for him.
    “Helpless?” he said. “I would never think you such.”
    She started to reply, but then he was gloriously, splendidly
naked in front of her. Daniel was as perfect as a god risen up out of the dark
night to claim her, and when he ran a possessive hand up the curve of her
silk-covered calf, she could only hope that he found her acceptable.
    “So beautiful,” he mused, quietly looking over her body,
“but still far too clothed.”
    He rummaged in his discarded clothes for a moment, and there
was a beautiful little dagger in his hand, silver and studded with tiny red
gems that seemed to wink at Genevieve in the darkness. It was as wickedly sharp
as his teeth and Genevieve made a small sound when the tip of it touched her
bare ankle
    “You’re entirely too dressed, my darling,” he murmured, and
there was a new huskiness to his voice when he slid
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