Goodbye Soldier

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Book: Goodbye Soldier Read Online Free PDF
Author: Spike Milligan
he died a few years ago, I realized that a genius could die unsung.
    So, as the surgeon said, we’re opening tonight. All excitement – we’re on our way to the Theatre Fenice in Venice. Toni gave my arm a squeeze but nothing came out.
    “Now,” she says. “Theese is for you.”
    It’s a small tissue-wrapped package.
    “Oh, how lovely! It’s what I’ve always wanted, a tissue-wrapped package!”
    I remove the tissue. It’s a silver cigarette case. I look for the price tag.
    “Now you throw away dirty tin, eh?”
    “No, no I can’t throw it away. That tin has been under mortar and shell fire with me, danced with girls with me, even had an attack of piles with me!” From now on, I’ll have to keep it out of sight.
A packet of out-of-sight cigarettes please.
There, sir.
This packet is empty.
Yes, sir. That’s because they’re out of sight
Yes, get the new out-of-sight cigarette!
Maria Antoinetta Fontana swimming from the knees down in Riccione.

    T he Charabong is taking us through medieval Mestre and on to the causeway. The sun bounces off the yellow waters of the Lagoon. On the right, the blue-grey of the Adriatic, neither of which looked clean. We de-bus in the Piazza Roma where a CSE* barge is waiting – oh, the fun!
≡ Combined Services Entertainment.
Barbary Coast Co. on the Grand Canal. Bornheim reading the Union Jack.
    “Hello sailor,” I say to a deckhand.
    I lift my guitar case carefully on board, then turn to help Toni – blast! A deckhand is helping her. I’ll kill him, he touched her, my Brockley SE26 blood boiled. He’s lucky to be alive.
    We glide down the Grand Canal: on our right, the magnificent Palace Vendramin Calergi, its mottled stone catching the sun, pigeons roosting along its perimeters. We slide under the Ponte Rialto and look up people’s noses – the sheer leisure of water travel. Toni and I are in the back of the barge by the rudder; I look into the brown waters to see romantic discharge from a sewer. Slowly, we come to the landing stage for the theatre.
Our pier – at 86 Area HQ, Venice.
    Our dressing-rooms are wonderful: red plush with gilt mirrors, buttoned furniture.

    “Och, now! Och, this is more like it,” says Mulgrew.
    What it is och more like, he doesn’t say. That bugger Bill Hall is missing again! Will he turn up? Mulgrew shrugs his shoulders. Suddenly, he notices my new cigarette case.
    “It’s from Toni,” I tell him.
    An evil grin on his face, Mulgrew says, “Is that for services rendered.”
    How dare he! Now he wants to borrow a fag.
    “God, Mulgrew, you’re always on the ear’ole. What do you do with your fags?”
    “Didn’t you know I smoke them!” A pause, then, “Are you thinking of marrying her?”
    “Hardly, I mean my worldly savings are eighty pounds.”
    Mulgrew claws the air like a beggar.
    “Rich- RICH,” he says.
    “I can’t take Toni from all this to a steaming sink in Deptford.”
    “Why not? It’s good enough for your mother.”
    “My mother’s used to it, but this girl is upper middle class. They’ve got a maid.”
    “Then,” he laughs, “marry the maid. She’s used to it.”
    As he speaks, he is undressing – he’s down to his vest when there’s a knock at the door.
    “Just a minute,” he says, and pulls the front of his vest between his legs. “Come in.”
    Lieutenant Priest sticks his head round the door.
    “Any signs of your vagrant?” he says.
    “We need notice of that question,” says Mulgrew. He releases his vest and lets his wedding tackle swing freely in the night air.
    “He is a bugger,” says Priest, and departs.
    Another knock on the door.
    “Just a minute,” says Mulgrew, again tucking his vest between his legs. “Come in.”
    It’s buxom dancer Greta Weingarten. She wants to know would we swop our chocolate ration for her cigarettes. Alas, we have eaten it all. She departs and again Mulgrew
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