Godzilla Returns

Godzilla Returns Read Online Free PDF

Book: Godzilla Returns Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marc Cerasini
him. "It's boiling!"
    Koh turned to Ensign Rhee. "Full speed ahead," he cried. "Get the ship out of here!"
    Rhee grabbed the throttle and pushed forward. The engines coughed, then sputtered. Then died. Rhee grabbed the horn. "Engine room!" he screamed. "ENGlNE ROOM!"
    Just then, fire alarms went off all over the ship. As the klaxons blared, the sailors and officers of the Azure Dragon rushed to their emergency fire stations.
    Captain Koh ran back onto the bridge. "Have you made contact with headquarters yet?" he demanded.
    "Yes, sir!" Rhee replied "They are standing by."
    Captain Koh grabbed the radiophone. "Mayday, mayday," he called. "This is Captain Koh of the Azure Dragon , requesting assistance. We have a fire aboard. Our location is -"
    At that second, a muffled explosion rocked the ship. The whole vessel shuddered once. Then the lights faded.
    For a tense moment, the bridge went dark. Then the battery-powered emergency lights came up. In the dull illumination, Koh could see the fear on Ensign Rhee's face.
    Suddenly, the ship was rocked by a thousand lesser explosions. The noise sounded like thousands of firecrackers going off. Rhee grabbed the horn. "What is happening?" he cried in panic.
    "Sir," an unidentified voice said over the speaker. "It's the cargo hold. There is heat, and fire -" Then the speaker went dead.
    Of course! Koh understood at last. That sound came from the containers stacked in the ship's cargo hold. where thousands of Korean-made televisions being exported to the Americas were stored.
    The heat below the hull must be tremendous, Captain Koh realized. The explosions were the sound of thousands of cathode ray tubes bursting apart.
    Seaman Tae rushed onto the bridge. His clothes were scorched and he smelled of smoke. "Captain," he gasped. "There is something... something horrible! It's outside!"
    "Make sense, sailor!" Rhee shouted.
    At that second, a rolling, bell-like, feral roar slammed against their eardrums. The clamor reverberated through the entire ship. Koh covered his ears. Tae cowered in the corner, his arms covering his head.
    The terrible sound emanated from the ocean underneath the Azure Dragon 's decks. Then the cacophony slowly faded and died. The ocean around the ship churned and bubbled more violently.
    Someone on deck screamed.
    While Koh watched, a dark mass the size of a mountain rose up from the ocean alongside the freighter. Its tremendous motion rocked the ship, and the awesome vision stunned the onlookers of the Azure Dragon .
    Koh's mouth dropped open as he stared at the apparition before him. Ensign Rhee screamed in shock and fear. He clutched the ship's wheel as if it were his only link to sanity.
    Now I understand , Koh thought.
    With the calmness that comes with the knowledge that death is imminent, Koh lifted the radiophone and spoke.
    "Headquarters, this is Azure Dragon ," he said. "We are under attack... by the monster Godzilla."
    The mountain of flesh and bone that stood before them roared again. The sound split eardrums as it echoed throughout the hollow steel shell of the Azure Dragon .
    Koh turned to Ensign Rhee. The young man's face was pale and sweaty. As he clutched the wheel with white knuckles, his mouth twitched and moved. But no sound came out.
    Koh, taking pity on this young man, reached out and touched Ensign Rhee's arm. Slowly, mechanically, Rhee's head turned and he faced his captain with unseeing eyes.
    At that moment, a blast of blue fire rained down upon the Azure Dragon . The powerful, burning energy blasted right through the windows of the bridge, showering the occupants with droplets of molten glass.
    A nanosecond later, Koh felt the terrible heat.
    He watched in horror as the flesh bubbled and melted off Ensign Rhee's face. He heard Seaman Tae screaming, but the sound seemed far away. Then Koh felt at burning sensation. He looked down at his own body.
    My clothes are on fire , he realized numbly. Then his flesh began to melt, too.
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