God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions)

God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions) Read Online Free PDF

Book: God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Paul J. Loth
David did.
There are some things that people cannot do, but God can do anything.
Mark 10:27
God Saved David from King Saul
1 Samuel 24:1-22

The Thinking Step
    Are you a patient person? When has God not answered your
prayers fast enough?
    Have you ever tried solving a problem on your own instead of
waiting for God to solve it? What happened?
The Listening Step
    God had promised that David would be the next king. But Saul
was the current king. Saul did not like David. He did not like all the
attention David got for killing Goliath.
    One day King Saul heard that David was out in the
wilderness. He took 3,000 men with him. He wanted to kill David. But God kept
David safe.
    King Saul found a cave near the road. He went inside. Saul did
not know that David was also in that cave. David’s men wanted to kill Saul. But
David would not do that. Saul had been chosen by God to be king of Israel. If
David fought against Saul, he would be fighting against God! So David only cut
part of Saul’s robe.
    David let God protect him. He did not try to solve his
problem by himself. Later David became the king of Israel.
The Talking Step
    Does God need your help? Why? Why not?
    Will God solve our problems if we let Him?
    What might happen if we try to solve problems God should
The Praying Step
    Dear God, thank You for keeping me safe. Help me to let You
take care of me. Help me to trust You more.
The one who chose you can be trusted, and he will do this.
1 Thessalonians 5:
God Helped Solomon to Be a Good King
1 Kings 3:1-15

The Thinking Step
    Have you ever been asked to do something that was too
difficult for you to do?
    What was it? Why was it so difficult? How did you do?
The Listening Step
    David had been a good king. God was very happy with King
David. But David’s son, Solomon, had become king. He loved God, too. He wanted
to be a good king just like King David.
    One night God appeared to King Solomon in a dream. God
promised to give him anything he wanted. “You’ve made me king,” Solomon said,
“but I’m very young. Please make me wise and teach me the difference between
right and wrong.”
    Solomon could have asked for anything. He could have asked
God to be a rich man. But Solomon asked God for understanding to help others.
That made God very happy.
    God did what Solomon asked. God gave him more, too. He told
Solomon, “You’ll be rich and respected as long as you live.”
    God took care of Solomon. He made Solomon a good and wise
The Talking Step
    Can you name a time when God helped you do something
    Did you thank Him?
    Think of something right now you could ask God to help you
The Praying Step
    Dear God, sometimes You ask me to do things that are very
hard. Many times I am not sure that I can do what You ask. Help me to do what
You ask. Give me the strength to trust You.
Christ gives me the strength to face anything.
Philippians 4:13
God Sent the Ravens to Feed Elijah
1 Kings 17:1-6

The Thinking Step
    When have you been really hungry? What happened?
    Who took care of you?
The Listening Step
    Elijah was a prophet of God. He told people to obey God.
Many times people disobeyed God anyway. Then Elijah had to tell them that God
was going to punish them for disobeying Him. People did not like to hear that.
    King Ahab was a very bad king. He did not think he had to
obey God. One day Elijah went to see King Ahab.
    “I’m a servant of the living LORD,” he said. “It won’t rain
until I say so,” The land became very dry. There was no food for anyone to eat.
    God told Elijah to go to a brook. The ravens would feed him
there. So that was what Elijah did. In the morning the ravens fed him. And in
the evening the ravens fed him. God took good care of Elijah. He could even get
a drink of water from the brook when he was thirsty.
The Talking Step
    Describe a time when God helped feed someone who was hungry.
    How did God do it?
    Why do you think God would help feed a hungry person?
    Why do you pray before
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