Girl Power

Girl Power Read Online Free PDF

Book: Girl Power Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dee Dawning
more romantic? Some place like Morton's?"
    Brenda rose. "I would, but I want you to explain to my boss how you can be
    a big help getting the word out. Maybe on our second date. I gotta go. We'll see you tomorrow night, and don't forget to wear the rest of your clothes."

    ~ * * ~
    Brenda knocked on Sally's open door. "Ms. Cummings?"
    Sally looked up and smiled. "Yes, Brenda."
    As Brenda slipped into the room, Sally asked, "Brenda, how long have you
    worked for me?"
    She took a deep breath. "Two years."
    "And how many times have I asked you to call me Sally?"
    Brenda shrugged. "I don't know. A lot. I do sometimes."
    Sally snickered. "Well, try to remember to call me that all the time. Now,
    what can I do for you?"
    "I just had lunch with Mickey Adams and he—"
    "Mickey Adams? Isn't he a reporter for the Herald?"
    "Yes, I'm meeting him for dinner Friday night at Gringo's at seven and—"
    Sally clasped her hands together over her chest. "Ah, amour. I just love
    romance. Careful though. Don't get your angelic feathers burnt. He has a
    reputation as a…"
    "Not quite, dear. More like a ladies man. You know the type."
    "I heard the same thing. This isn't a romantic dinner. Maybe in the future—I am attracted to him—but right now we need to spread the word about our party
    and he says he could help."
    "I suppose he could. I'm sure he has the connections. Let me know what he
    says." "Umm, I was hoping perhaps you could join us? That way if you have any questions—"
    "Good thinking, dear, but I wouldn't know what to ask. Maybe Lindy
    should be there. As campaign manager, she has much more experience in that
    field. Would you like me to call her?"
    Brenda's wide eyes flashed the answer. "Would you?"
    "Certainly." Sally picked up her phone and dialed. "Hi Lindy.
    "Yes, I read Carla's release. It's very good. In fact, that's why I'm calling.
    Brenda's meeting a reporter at Gringos at seven, Friday night and she would feel better if someone who understands promotion could be there with her.
    "Okay fine. I'll tell her. Thanks Lindy. Goodbye." Sally set the phone in its cradle and turned to Brenda. "She'll meet you there."
    Brenda smiled. "Thank you."
    Chapter Three – SAFE, More than a Political Party
    The red districts are turning redder and the blue districts are turning bluer.
    Congress may have to hit rock bottom before people learn to work together.
    What’s wrong with these chuckleheads?"
    Retiring Congressman Steven LaTourette - R Ohio
    Lindy slid into the booth opposite Kelly. "Hi, am I late?"
    Kelly, sipped her drink. "No, you're fine. I just got here early."
    Lindy perused the menu. "What're you drinking?"
    Kelly lifted her drink. "In honor of our exciting, new Women's party, I'm
    drinking Pink Ladies."
    Lindy chuckled. "Sounds good."
    The waiter approached. "Good afternoon, ladies. My name is Sal. I'll be your server. May I bring you a cocktail?"
    "Sure. I'll have a Pink Lady, like her."
    Kelly slid her now empty glass toward the waiter. "And I'll have another."
    "Very good. Tonight, we have two specials, which are not on the menu.
    Would you like to hear them?
    "Very good. First we have Lobster Ravioli in Gianni's special marinara
    sauce. And next, my favorite, Veal Scaloppini, served with angel hair pasta
    topped with our famous pesto sauce."
    They glanced at each other and nodded.
    Kelly said, "I think we've decided. We'll both have the Veal Scaloppini.
    Right Lindy."
    Sal smiled. "Two pink ladies and two Veal Scaloppini's. Any appetizers,
    "I would like a Caesar salad and iced tea."
    "Me too," added Kelly.
    Kelly fanned herself. "Can you believe how warm the weather's been for the
    middle of winter?"
    "I know, it's been freaky warm all year."
    Kelly grinned, leaned in and whispered, "Don't let this get back to the far right, but it just might be global warming."
    Lindy pulled back. "No! The next thing you'll tell me is Earth is much older than five thousand years, like maybe a
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