Gifts and Consequences

Gifts and Consequences Read Online Free PDF

Book: Gifts and Consequences Read Online Free PDF
Author: Daniel Coleman
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
used Buck’s pin (I knew it because I saw him use it at Kroger’s once).  I got $40 in cash and it asked if I wanted a balance and I pushed YES.  He has $822.49 in the bank!  I have as much money as Harry Potter!
    I wish I had someone to celebrate with.  The last friend I had was when I was 7.  I was playing outside with some chalk another kid left on the sidewalk and a Mexican girl asked if she could play with me.  I broke the chalk in half and we drew pictures until the chalk got so small we were scraping our knuckles on the cement.  I asked if she wanted to see my 2 dolls and she came to the apartment.
    Buck was passed out drunk on the couch and he didn’t hear us go into my room.  After a few minutes our giggling woke him up and he came in yelling and swearing at me to be quiet.  When he saw I had a friend over he got even madder and yelled and cussed at her until she left.  He said a lot of bad things about Mexicans while he was yelling at her.
    When she was gone he kept yelling at me and telling me he wasn’t going to take care of all my stupid friends and feed them and clean up their messes and why was I hanging out with a “wetback” anyway.  He even called me a f****** b****.
    That girl only lived there for a few more months, but we didn’t play together after that.
    Even though she didn’t know very much English she told everyone what a freak my dad was and what a freak I was.  Ever since then they call me “freak”.  It was the last time I tried to make a friend.
    Buck was worse than Smelly Gabe, Percy Jackson’s stepfather.  But instead of moldy garlic pizza, Buck just smelled like beer.  All the time.  At least Smelly Gabe’s stench kept monsters from finding Percy.  Buck just kept friends away.   
    Well you’re the f****** b**** Buck.  I hope you never come back.
    She no longer cried when she thought about the pain of living with Buck and exhilaration of freedom when he disappeared.  The worst part was not mattering to anyone in the world, unless she stepped out of line—then Buck let her have it.
    In a year and a half she’d seen no sign of Buck.  The money from the small trust fund and state support kept going into the account, and she lived on cash that she took out of ATMs.  The rent had been set up on auto-pay sometime in the past so she never had to worry about it.
    The clock on the wall read 6:00.  Half an hour until the date that would save her life.

Chapter Seven
    Tyler O’Hara drove to Lisa’s house with the tickets in his right hand.  He whooped for the millionth time.  Not only was he going to the biggest concert ever, he was going for free.  And he was taking the most popular girl in school, who had cancelled her prom date a week before the dance to go with him.  Another whoop.
    The neighborhood he drove through was significantly more upscale than his own.  Once he reached the right street he popped a piece of gum in his mouth.  He was half way out of his Mustang before the engine had stopped and he bounded up the boulders that lined the walkway leading to Lisa’s house.  He had way too much energy for sidewalks.
    He checked his shirt for lint, admiring the recent purchase.  A lot of clothes clashed with his dark orange hair, but the blue shirt made him look good.  Even if I do say so myself , he thought with a smile.
    Lisa’s mom answered the door and insisted he come in.  Time passed so slowly Tyler wondered if the clock on his cell was broken. 
    Eventually Lisa came downstairs, looking better than ever.  She wore a dark blue shirt the same shade as Tyler’s. 
    He thought, Could this night get any better?  
    Tyler reached for the door, but Lisa’s mom said, “Let’s get some pictures before you go.  You’re missing the prom, after all.”
    “MTV’s airing the concert,” said Tyler.  “Record it and you can watch us in the audience as much as you want.”
    “It’s not the same,” said Lisa’s mom, pulling
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