Ghost's Sight

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Book: Ghost's Sight Read Online Free PDF
Author: Morwen Navarre
caught up in Gerry’s hand, moving with it, while Gerry saw Ghost’s cheeks flushing with pleasure at the touch.
    “That I’m your first? No.” Gerry leaned in to kiss Ghost, tasting that yielding mouth. “I like it, to be honest, knowing that there’s never been anyone else.”
    Gerry ran his thumb over the head of Ghost’s cock, feeling the slick moisture that gathered there. Ghost gasped a little as the digit continued on to stroke the cleft underneath the head, while the feeling of Ghost’s warm cock moving against his own ignited the heat in Gerry’s belly.
    “So if I don’t know what to do--” Ghost began, until Gerry kissed him into silence.
    “We’ll take it slow,” Gerry promised. “We don’t have to do more than this for now. There’s always next time.”
    Ghost’s free hand crept up to fasten on Gerry’s shoulder, his fingers digging in a bit as Ghost writhed in response to Gerry’s stroking. “Next time?” Ghost gasped, his eyes fluttering closed.
    Gerry could smell the heavy, musky tang of his own arousal and a sharper scent that was Ghost. He licked his lips, the feeling in his belly demanding release in some manner, and soon.
    Gerry’s voice was thick, his strokes picking up speed. “I’d like there to be a next time. I want to get to know you. Not just this, but talking, too.” He could feel the pressure in his balls that meant he was close, a heavy feeling.
    The younger man nodded, his breath ragged. “Yes,” Ghost managed, before his eyes widened. He let out a moan as his cock jumped, before he spilled over his hand and Gerry’s hand. Gerry felt Ghost stiffen, and the hunter saw Ghost’s pale cheeks darken. Ghost shuddered against Gerry before he went lax, subsiding into Gerry’s embrace as he drew a shaky breath. Gerry could feel Ghost’s heart hammering, and Gerry’s own heart sped up in response.
    Gerry muffled his own cry of pleasure in a kiss, capturing Ghost’s mouth as he came, his seed mixing with Ghost’s as their joined hands gave a few last erratic strokes. He was no virgin, but Gerry was sure he had never had a sweeter orgasm, made even more so by the unselfconscious pleasure that transformed Ghost. Ghost’s cheeks were flushed, and a few tendrils of hair clung to Ghost’s face, the younger man’s pale eyes shining like the morning sky. Gerry nibbled soft kisses as Ghost’s breathing slowed down, his free hand cupping Ghost’s face.
    Gerry blinked when he heard a sharp rap on the door, having dozed off for a bit. The door opened to admit the Witch. Ghost burrowed closer to him, nuzzling into Gerry’s shoulder and mumbling something that Gerry could not make out.
    “You’re awake?” the Witch asked. “How does the leg feel? Have you tried to stand?”
    The hunter blinked again, his brain trying to catch up with the rapid-fire stream of questions. He looked down at Ghost’s snowy head as he realized he had no idea what to say to the Witch. Ghost had been adamant about not being her dependent, but it still felt awkward. There were proper ways to go about courting a dependent, after all, especially if you were thinking about striking out as an alpha yourself. Somehow, Gerry did not think that this counted as proper. The Witch had not taken offense, or so it seemed, but he had spent the night with her apprentice, or dependent, whatever she chose to call Ghost. Gerry had not asked the alpha’s leave, and his muzzy state after the healing was no excuse.
    It seemed safer to stick to the questions asked, so Gerry cleared his throat a bit. “I haven’t tried to stand yet, but it’s not aching too much. Less than last night.” He watched the Witch, wary, as Ghost mumbled something else incomprehensible before looking up at Gerry.
    Gerry’s breath hitched. Ghost’s eyes were bright, his expression serene, his fingers tight around Gerry’s fingers under the blanket. Gerry could feel the sticky mess of drying seed on their joined hands, but
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