like shit.”
Liz smirked at him. “Because it is shit. Bat shit. They crap on their way out to hunt.”
Dick nodded. “That was very informative, Ms. ‘National Geographic.’”
Amy threw an arm over Dick’s shoulder. “What are we gonna do with the locals?”
Nancy and Liz watched the ghost hunters, anger replaced by a weary resignation.
Dick waved the gun in their direction. “You two are going to mind your manners, right? Once we get our footage, we’ll cut you loose.”
Nancy rolled her eyes. “Neither of us wants to get shot. Let’s just get this shit over with.”
Dick nodded. “Stay with Troy. Troy, either of these two gets squirrelly, just give a shout. I don’t care if we’re in the middle of a shot, you let me know.”
Troy threw a mock salute at Dick, and forked his fingers at Nancy and Liz. “I’m watching, ladies.”
Dick shoved the pistol into the back of his waistband and covered it with the long tail of his flannel shirt. “Let’s see what we’re working with.”
Randall turned the camera away from the crew, rotating in a slow circle. They were standing at the bottom of a deep pit with a single tunnel leading away from it. But the tunnel wasn’t what snatched the breath from everyone at the bottom of the pit.
The stone walls were crosshatched by a storm of words, some scrawled with markers, others smeared in the colors of blood and shit. Still others were crudely hacked into the wall, chipping their way across the words that had come before. The words Dick could read were a wild melange of nonsense. He saw help smeared across what appeared to be a snatch of “Jabberwocky” written in tiny, cramped letters. There were other words in languages he didn’t recognize, and looking at those filled his head with an arrhythmic pounding. “What the fuck is this?” he asked Nancy.
She huddled next to her sister and stared at the floor. “I told you there were bad things down here. We need to leave.”
He shook his head. “Randy, get a lot of footage of all this shit, okay?”
Nancy glanced at Dick then back at the floor. “You shouldn’t film it. No one needs to see this crazy shit.”
“People may not need to see this crazy shit, but they sure want to.”
Nancy did have a point though. The longer Dick looked at the words on the wall, the more he felt a calling. Something in the darkest parts of his lizard brain responded to what he saw there and wanted him to add his own scrawled curses to the mass.
Randy lowered the camera. “Got it. We heading into the tunnel?”
Dick nodded and whistled to the get the attention of his crew. He took the lead, lighting the way into the tunnel with a compact LED headlamp strapped across his forehead. “Just keep the camera on me and Amy. You reading us, Mickey?”
From the back of the group, Mickey piped up. “Loud and clear. Don’t get too far ahead, not sure what being underground’ll do to the wireless signal.”
The tunnel was wider than Dick expected. After a few steps, he and Amy were able to walk side by side, adopting their habitual posture. The audience wanted to see them both and their different reactions. Amy tended to go pale and shaky when things got weird, Dick became animated and flushed with excitement. “This place looks almost man-made,” Dick noted. The walls of the tunnel were smooth and straight, but he could make out the scalloped impressions of tools in places. He played his light over the wall as he walked. Amy walked alongside him, her breath coming in short little gasps as adrenaline dumped into her system. There was something about this place, a fearsome pressure.
Amy’s hand clenched on Dick’s arm. She jabbed the index finger of her free hand into the darkness ahead of them. “What was that?”
Dick swung his light in the direction she was pointing and picked up some sort of jumbled pile. They advanced on it, with Dick pulling against Amy who dragged her feet. “Let’s find out.”
The tunnel