Getting Away : A New Adult Romance Story (Young Adult Romance Books "Swanson Sisters Series" : Book 1)

Getting Away : A New Adult Romance Story (Young Adult Romance Books "Swanson Sisters Series" : Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Getting Away : A New Adult Romance Story (Young Adult Romance Books "Swanson Sisters Series" : Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amelia Jones
It’s great to be here. You’ve got a nice farm.’
    ‘It’s good of you to say so, but it’s getting to be too much for me on my own. All the jobs that are easy when you’re young, take forever when you get old and things soon start to run down.’
    ‘Well, I’m all yours for the day so just let me know what you’d like me to do.
    ‘Hearing that is like music to my ears. How about we start with the sheep, then have some lunch and if you’re up for it, maybe we could look at the fence over yonder. The cows broke through it the other day and for some reason they like the field through there better than this one.’
    Jack laughed. ‘They’ve got minds of their own sometimes, those cows. Sure, no problem, I’d be happy to take a look at the fence.’
    They headed off to the holding paddock where Ben had put the sheep and the gear they would need for the crutching. ‘Hope you don’t mind getting your hands dirty. It’s a filthy job.’
    ‘Nothing water won’t wash off. Now are you going to hold and I’ll crutch?’
    ‘Yes, if that’s Ok with you Jack. I thought we could give ‘em a quick spray while we’re at it, just to finish the job off.’
    ‘That’s fine. It’s a good idea and it’ll help them not to become blown again. I’ll go grab the first one then.’
    They worked solidly for several hours and soon fell into a routine of grab, hold and crutch for each sheep. It was backbreaking work for Jack, but he didn’t mind because it was pleasant working with someone who liked to talk and crack a joke. It took a while, but he’d crutched two hundred and fifty sheep during the morning.
    ‘How’s your back Jack? You must be ready for a break.’
    ‘Well, it’ll be good to stand straight for a while, that’s for sure, and have a wash.’
    ‘Come on then, let’s go and have some lunch. I cooked up a nice piece of corned beef the other day and it’ll taste great with some fresh bread and relish.’
    Jack felt his stomach growl. ‘Perfect. I know it’s a filthy job, but those sheep will be a lot more comfortable now, better quality at shearing too. Tell me Ben, do you have a grader?’
    ‘Yeah, over in the shed,’ and he pointed to one of the farm buildings off to the side of the house.
    Ben pumped some water into a trough at the back of the house and went to fetch some soap for Jack. ‘Here you go. Why don’t you wash your shirt out too while you’re at it. I’ve got a spare one you can borrow.’
    ‘Thanks, Ben. That’d be great.’
    Ben went into the house to find a shirt while Jack stripped his fouled one off, washed himself down and then started in on his shirt. He was so absorbed in getting himself clean that he’d forgotten about keeping his back hidden and he didn’t hear Ben come up behind him with the clean shirt.
    ‘Good Lord, Jack. What happened? Who did that to you?’
    Ben’s voice startled Jack and he stiffened before turning around to face the older man. ‘No one’s meant to see that,’ his voice was subdued as he took the towel and the clean shirt from Ben. He dried himself off and put the shirt on.
    ‘Well I can see you don’t want to talk about it, but know this boy, you needn’t be ashamed of your body. Whoever did that to you is the one who should be feeling ashamed.’
    Jack nodded, but said nothing. After a beat, Ben nodded as well.
    ‘Come on inside for some lunch. I’ll take a guess it was your father who did that and I’ll tell you something for nothing, son. You can wear that back with pride and hold you head up. The cowardly excuse of a man who beat you isn’t fit to be in the same room as you, let alone deserves to be called a father.’
    ‘That’s kind of you to say so, Ben. Thank you.’
    Ben handed Jack a doorstopper of a sandwich and a glass of beer. ‘Thanks, this looks great.’
    ‘After the morning you put in, I think I’ll have to make
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