Geek Mafia
has gotten plenty. We think he's short about $850,000."
    "This is silly," said Greg. "We really don't have that kind of money to spend on this nonsense. As Paul knows, we've got a little over a half a million in the bank and we need every penny of it to pay salaries until we ship this game."
    "You've got the money Greg." Chloe smiled, reading from the paper she'd just taken from her briefcase.
    "According to your tax records, you should have something like seventeen million in the bank. Plus the two houses and the condo in Florida."
    "Even if that's true," said Greg, who Paul knew never liked to talk about how much money he had. "Why would I want to buy out Paul for that much? I already own thirty-percent of this company, that's more than enough."
    "Don't you have confidence in your little game here?" asked Chloe.
    "It doesn't matter. As you pointed out, I've got a lot of money. I don't really need more, and me giving Paul $850,000 isn't going to make the game any better or help business. There's no up side for me." Greg shifted his gaze to Paul. "I'm sorry, man, but I'm not giving you any more money." Paul just stared back at him, trying to not smile or sneer. Greg had no idea what was coming.

    "See, Greg, that's where you're wrong," Chloe said. She had a stack of four folders in her hand, and she pointed at Greg with them to emphasize her point. "In fact, it's very much in your company's best interest to make Paul happy right now. Because if Paul's happy, then he and I are just gonna go away. You'll never hear from us again."
    "You're going to sue us?" said Frank, quick to pick up the subtext. "You've got no standing. We don't need a reason to fire you." Frank turned to the company, Marie, for confirmation. "Isn't that right?"
    "That's correct. The company does not have to show cause for termination," the lawyer said.
    Chloe hadn't looked at either of them during the exchange; she'd kept her entire attention focused on Greg.
    "I'm not prepared to say whether or not I agree with that," she said, "But I'm sure Marie here can also tell you that just because you don't think we have standing, that doesn't mean we can't sue you. We will, sure as fuck, sue the hell out of you."
    Marie kind of shrugged again; at least that's what Paul thought of it as. It was as noncommittal a motion as he could imagine. As he'd told Chloe, Marie was a contract lawyer, not a trial lawyer. She was solid on the details but not very good with the confrontation thing. Plus, she had the annoying lawyerly habit of never saying anything was one hundred percent sure. She always hedged her bets and gave caveats on her advice.
    "It's possible," she said to Greg. "They can certainly bring suit, although it's unlikely they'll get very far with it."
    "But hey," said Chloe, "It's all billable hours for your firm right? What do you guys charge? $300 an hour for something like this?" Marie didn't deign to answer.
    "You won't win," said Greg. "I've been down this road before, this exact same road with my first company.
    You'll cost us some money, but it'll cost Paul money too. After all, he's paying you right?"
    "What?" said Chloe, sounding distracted. She'd started reading something from inside one of her files.
    "I just pointed out that Paul's got to pay you too. He'll lose this case and it will cost him a lot of money and, I happen to know, Paul doesn't have a lot in the way of savings, does he?"
    "Nope," said Chloe. "He seems pretty stupid about money, you're right. But that's ok; I'm not charging him anything for this. This is a freebie."
    "Are you a friend of his uncle or something?" asked Greg, a little confused now.
    "Oh no, nothing like that. Never met the man. No, you see, Paul here gives great head. I mean GREAT head.
    He goes down like nobody's business. Better even than most women I know. So I figured I owed him. Plus, I wanna keep him around, and if he doesn't get his much deserved pay off, he might leave and move back to Florida." Even
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