Gauguin Connection, The
access to much of our database and all the files on this case. We update these files every day as new information comes in. Please take all precautions with this computer.”
    I ignored the insulting warning, but Manny obviously wasn’t going to let it go.
    “Ms Lenard—”
    “Enough with the miss. Call me Doctor Lenard or Genevieve.”
    “Okay.” He drew out the word as if unsure which option to choose in case it was the wrong one. “Doc, it is really important that no one else has access to this computer. You can’t allow anyone else to work on it or leave it unattended at any time.”
    “Colonel Millard, please don’t insult my intelligence. I fully comprehend the significance of being in possession of this computer.”
    “Good. Fine. Okay.”
    I waited for him to continue. He didn’t. His blinking increased, indicating discomfort or a stressful thought process. Maybe both. The third time he swallowed heavily, I lost my patience. “Oh, for goodness’ sake, just say it.”
    His lips thinned. “This is sensitive information.”
    “We’ve already established that.”
    “Well, yes.” He took a bracing breath. “This might not be of relevance, but the murderer said something before he shot himself. Actually, he shouted it. He was speaking broken French with a strong accent, so the officers were not sure of everything they heard. The autopsy showed traces of an antipsychotic drug. It would seem that he was being treated for schizophrenia, but had gone off his meds for some time. This might just be a lunatic’s rantings.”
    “Get to the point.”
    “According to the officers he shouted, ‘The red will end all twenty-seven daffodils. We will just have to sit back and watch. No one will escape the red who is all-powerful’.”
    “You’re right, it sounds like the rantings of an insane man,” I said. “Or it could be a very bad translation.”
    “I’m repeating it word for word, just like the officers noted it down. He shouted it over and over before he killed himself.”
    “No need to get defensive, Colonel Millard.”
    He sighed. “I’m in a position I don’t like to be in, working with people I don’t know, so forgive me if I’m a bit out of sorts.”
    He did not sound or look repentant at all. But he did look stressed. I relented. “I’ll think about these rantings and see if I can find some meaning in it. Maybe ‘red’ is a euphemism or a codeword for something. ‘Twenty-seven’ might also have a different meaning as might ‘daffodils’. He could’ve used the word order of his native tongue, which could change all the words around.”
    “Those are a lot of maybes.”
    “Applicable to three very incoherent sentences.” I leaned back in my chair. “Is there anything else?”
    “Yes. Call me Manny.” He turned and walked to the door, twice looking back at the laptop lying open on my table. “We’ll be in touch.”
    “Goodbye, Manny.” I watched him heave another sigh before he left and wondered what he was going to say to Phillip. There was, however, no point in speculating about his issues and complaints now. The challenge was much too alluring to waste time and energy on Manny’s ill-placed worries. Already I had a few ideas how to approach the quest for a connection between the strip of a valuable painting and the Russian murderer. I turned towards the laptop and typed a few words into the search engine.

Chapter THREE
    “Genevieve!” The shock in Phillip’s voice caused me to drag my eyes away from the computer. I had just made yet another connection and was becoming increasingly excited.
    I turned to Phillip, who was standing in the viewing room doorway, looking bewildered. “What?”
    “My God, how long have you been here?” He moved into the viewing room, looking around with not a small amount of concern. I inhaled sharply to tell him that it was none of his business, but reality rushed towards me like a freight train.
    “Since we last
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