Furever After

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Book: Furever After Read Online Free PDF
Author: Arielle Lewenhart
been on the road?” I asked, trying to make small talk. I couldn’t quite place it, but I wanted to talk to the. They were interesting, and I swear it was because of more than just their incredible good looks.
    “Around three weeks, I guess,” said the man on the right. He shot an inquisitive glance at his friend, who nodded. “Once you’ve been out there long enough, things just kind of blend together. One day fades into the next, all that.”
    “That’s a long time to spend cycling, day in and day out!” I said. “It’s really impressive. I’m Liz, by the way.”
    “Nice to meet you, Liz. I’m James. This is Ethan.”
    Ethan nodded to me, quiet as ever. It was clear who was the more charismatic of the two, but as I looked at Ethan, I could see a blazing intelligence sparking behind those hazel-swirled eyes, as well as a healthy sense of humor. The coffee pot dinged , and I turned quickly to it, pouring two cups of coffee with an ease that only years of practice can bring. The two men didn’t even wait for it to cool; they both immediately raised it to their lips and drank the cups down in a single gulp.
    I stared at them in awe. That coffee should have been way too hot to drink, but neither one of them seemed phased. In fact, Ethan closed his eyes with bliss, enjoying the full-bodied flavor of the drink. James turned to me and raised an eyebrow. “Can I have another?”
    Ethan quickly placed his cup next to Ethan’s. “Me too.”
    I laughed and obliged. After they had finished the second cup, I heard mom shouting from the back. She had finished the soup, so I retrieved it and sat it in front of them. “Do you two mind if I sit and talk while you eat?”
    James nodded his head. “Not at all. Please, join us.”
    “Thanks!” I smiled at them, giddy at the fact they accepted me there. It was a slow day, and both of them seemed so…romantic. Just two men wandering around the world. “So have you had any crazy adventures while you’ve been on the road?”
    Ethan nearly choked on his soup, turning his face away to stifle laughter. James shot him a sour look, and it was clear I’d struck a nerve. James answered, “Not really,” but Ethan cut him off quickly.
    “Don’t let him lie to you, Liz,” Ethan said. “We’ve had plenty of crazy adventures, including the first day on the road. It was soaking wet out — kind of like today, really — and the weather had shown no signs of improving. James here hadn’t tied his pannier on right, and only made it a few hundred feet up the road before he tumbled head-over-heels off the bicycle and into the middle of the sidewalk.”
    “I don’t think it was as dramatic as all that,” James said.
    “Oh no! Were you hurt?” I could just imagine the sort of impact that must have caused. Ethan chuckled again.
    “No, he wasn’t hurt. He’s too hard headed to get hurt from something as minor as a wreck. Besides, he had a helmet on.” Ethan leaned over James and whispered to me conspiratorrially, but loud enough that James clearly heard. “That’s why his hair is such a mess now, actually!”
    James turned and punched him hard in the arm, but Ethan only laughed. Although he was a quiet guy, he had a brilliant smile and a kind laugh. I thought it was a shame he didn’t laugh more often or more easily.
    “So what are your plans for the rest of the day?” I asked. The weather looked bad, and James turned to glance back out the door. Ethan just scowled at the water that fell from the sky.
    “I’m not sure,” James answered. “Neither of us wants to ride in this. It’s a bit too much, even for us. Still, this town isn’t very big…” his trailed off, shooting a quick look in my direction. “No offense.”
    “Oh, none taken,” I said. “Think about it from my perspective: I’m 19, and there’s absolutely nothing for me to do here. But I may have a solution for you; we actually
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