Frozen Grave

Frozen Grave Read Online Free PDF

Book: Frozen Grave Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lee Weeks
the victim and from fighting that seems to have gone on around the time she was
    ‘They would have been high on drink and other substances,’ added Carter.
    ‘It’s not likely to be someone from here then. Substance abuse is carefully monitored her. We don’t allow people in here who are high on anything.’
    ‘What about any of your staff? Might one of them be able to help us – they might have seen something?’ Carter’s stocky presence filled the small office, his feet planted
wide in his expensive shiny shoes, his hands in the pockets of his overcoat. He tipped his weight slightly forward over the desk, where Simon was now sitting half-turned towards his PC monitor, his
hands rested on a pile of papers on his desk.
    He shrugged. ‘Ask them, by all means.’
    Willis said little. She was trying to guess Smith’s background: expensive public school, family money. The kind of person you would expect to be in a job with a massive salary for doing
very little. But this wasn’t the set of
Made in Chelsea
. This wasn’t the least bit glamorous.
    ‘How does it work here?’ she asked. ‘How does someone find you?’
    ‘People are referred to us, by their GP, by the local police, council homeless department, mental-health crisis management – several ways. There are forms to fill out and then they
have to pay in advance for their next-day accommodation if they want to secure it. If we have room, we take them in.’
    ‘So who are the ones that don’t get a place in here?’ asked Carter.
    ‘They have to be sober and to be non-users. We can’t cope with addicts in here or dogs.’
    ‘Do you know of a man who has a light-coloured dog – one of those tough-looking breeds used for fighting?’ Willis asked. ‘We think he needs help – he got
    ‘I don’t think I do – sorry.’
    ‘And you are sure you didn’t notice anyone behaving strangely last night?’ she asked.
    ‘Stranger than usual? No. It’s a difficult time for so many people. Lots of people who come in here are damaged. So many rough sleepers have mental-health issues.’ Simon
shrugged again, his eyes went from Carter to Willis and he shook his head. ‘Sorry I can’t help. But – I’ll do my best and look into it for you.’
    Carter took out his wallet and gave Simon a card.
    ‘Appreciate a call when you do.’
    As they all walked back through the kitchen, Carter stopped to talk to the woman loading the dishwasher.
    ‘Excuse me, miss. I’m Detective Inspector Carter and this is Detective Constable Willis.’
    ‘Lyndsey,’ she said, looking at Simon anxiously.
    ‘Can we have a word, Lyndsey?’
    She picked up a towel and dried her hands. She was a woman of mixed British and Asian descent. She had her long black hair tied back in a plait.
    ‘I’ll finish that’, said the older, auburn-haired woman who’d walked in with a tray of dishes. ‘Breakfast is over so you can sit in the canteen now.’ She was
speaking with a Glaswegian accent. ‘I’ve just cleared the last of the tables. I’m Sheila, by the way.’ She set the tray down.
    ‘Thank you, Sheila. Could we have a chat with you too at the same time?’
    ‘No problem. Shall I bring out a cup of tea?’
    ‘Magic.’ Carter turned to Simon, who was still with them in the kitchen. ‘We won’t bother you further. Once we’ve finished talking to Sheila and Lyndsey,
we’ll head off.’
    ‘Of course.’ Simon smiled, a little uneasy. ‘Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.’ He went back through the double doors, in the direction of his office.
    They went into the canteen and found a table, Sheila following with a tray with four teas on it. The PC corner was still busy with people waiting their turn.
    ‘Sugar’s on the table.’
    ‘Thanks very much.’ Carter took the teacups from the tray and waited for Sheila to sit down opposite Willis. Willis took out her notebook and pen.
    ‘Have you two worked here long?’ asked Carter.
    ‘I have,’
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