
Frayed Read Online Free PDF

Book: Frayed Read Online Free PDF
Author: Pamela Ann
you.” The picture I painted out did sound quite inviting, and being around my friends would surely lift my spirits up, whatever was left of them.
    “Damn straight girly! I look forward to seeing both of my Dollfaces,” Emma said with excitement, but she immediately paused. “Uh, I have something else to tell you… Carter’s been emailing me on a daily basis. I haven’t replied to any of it, but he stills sends them. These emails are mostly about how his day went and what not… do you think I should respond to any of them?”
    The hellish fucker, when would he ever stop with Emma? “Listen up, Em… You’re not obligated to reply to those emails. Ignore them and pretend they’re not there. You will not open any of those emails and read them. You do get that this will fuck things up with Bass, right? I know you mentioned that you two aren’t official—that you’re in the ‘getting to know each other’ phase—but you should know better! Unless you’re not into Bass, that is. Then go right ahead and read them.” It’s only been a few months since Carter and Emma broke up. It’s clearly normal for her to still have a wee bit of affection towards her ex, but come on! Bass Cole was hot and heavy for her. I didn’t want my friend to mess that up. Bass was the solid deal. Anyone with eyes would know that he was serious with Emma. That’s just a simple fact.
    “Seriously, I’m stupidly crazy about Bass. We’ve been inseparable. You’re right; I will go on and ignore them. I’ve got to go. We have a bonfire going with some of the crew out on the beach. See you very soon, Babe. I love you and I’m only a phone call away.” Emma spoke with utmost sincerity
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made me tear up.
    I mumbled my thanks and told her that I loved her too before I hung up. It was a good thing that I decided to pick up when Emma called. As short as the phone call was, it had alleviated a tiny fraction of the dark shroud that blanketed me.
    The door burst open and the nurse entered. She went to one of the cabinets and handed me a hospital gown. “Trista? Here’s the gown for you to change in. I’ll be taking you to the surgery room afterwards.”
    I took the gown away from her hands and stood up. “Okay,” I murmured quietly, before I went inside the bathroom. I changed into my hospital garb on autopilot. When I emerged from the bathroom, the nurse was still there, patiently waiting for me.
    “You can leave your things here. Everything is secure, so you don’t have to worry about your items being stolen.” She held the door open for me and I stepped out of the room.
    The well-lit hallway reminded me of being in a movie where the person was heading for a death penalty execution, sterile and cold. A few more turns and a corridor later, I finally arrived in the surgery room. Positioned in the middle of the bright room was the “execution” table. The medical staff met me cordially before a female doctor greeted me and from then on, things happened quickly.
    I was instructed to get on the daunting surgical table while they started preparing everything. As soon as I laid down, I immediately closed my eyes and tried to drown out the sound of everyone. Only opening them when the doctor addressed me, “Trista? This procedure will be very quick. It’s going to be over before you know it. How are you feeling?” The doctor’s kind eyes probed into me.
    I blinked back a few times before I responded to her question. “I’ve been better.” If I really had a choice, I would’ve stayed mum and ignore d her completely, but heck, she was my doctor, I was obligated to respond.
    A nurse tapped my arm and searched for a vein to prick a needle into. “We’re going to give you something to sedate you.” The doctor smiled down at me before she nodded towards the nurse , which I took as a signal to start injecting me with the sedative.
    “How are we feeling? Still good?” the doctor asked me again after the nurse finished
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