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Book: ForHisSakeBlankEditionHTML Read Online Free PDF
Author: Erika Masten
have contacts who
are working on unraveling what’s going on behind the scenes. There are a lot of
strings being pulled to fast track this prosecution, more than this case
    “Tell me about it,” I
sighed. “Another perk of the family name, I guess. Makes me a
bigger trophy.”
    “It’s more than that,”
she insisted. “The man they say you bribed has family ties to opposition
leaders in the Brazilian government. You’ve given their political enemies a
free shot.”
    “That would explain
it—why they named the wrong man.”
    Chloe stopped rubbing
my head. “What? Then who did you bribe?” She quickly typed the name I gave her
into her PDA. “Did you tell the seniors this?”
    “Yes, but it only came
up yesterday. I doubt they’ve had time to look into it.”
    She nodded. “Too much going on with the case. I’ll take care of it.”
    I gripped her by the
shoulders, and she let out a low breath and went limp against me, a reaction I
would’ve relished at any other time. “No, you won’t, Chloe, because you’re
getting on a plane back to the States this morning if I have to charter it
    “You can’t make me,”
she whispered, and there was both a definite challenge and the lilt of
anticipation in her voice.
    “We’re…” I had to pause
to swallow down a hard, rough groan of emotion. “We’re not doing this. It’s not
going to work.” My thumbs traced the trembling muscles in her arms. I didn’t
know if I wanted to hold her close, until she stopped shaking, or make her
shudder harder. Both. “We had our chance, Chloe. We
couldn’t keep hold of it.” By the time I’d gotten her to open up to me, my life
had caught up to us. Penn, the bad choices I’d made, those essentially
irredeemable qualities that I couldn’t help wearing like some kind of badge.
    Her eyes were damp and
gleaming as she responded, “None of that makes any difference to what’s happening
right now. I know I can help you.
Just let me.”
    And before I could
scold the daylights out of her, Chloe came up on her toes and brushed my lips
with hers. My tongue slid into her mouth before I could stop it, and that
familiar taste of cinnamon and copper and honey that was Chloe Bloom, that scent of iris and apple, infused my senses
again. I had to run my tongue along every inch of the inside of her mouth, feel
the hum of her small moans against my lips and the juncture of her thighs
cradling the bulge jutting insistently from the front of my suit pants. I
pulled away only after I’d pushed her back against the conference table. She
had spread her legs for me, so naturally, so willingly, and I’d reached for my
belt buckle before I knew what I was doing.
    “Christ!” I gasped for
a calming breath and pushed my hair back with my fingers. My head was still
pounding, but this time with more than pain.
    “I remember,” she
whispered suggestively, “what used to take care of those headaches.”
    My eyes flared when I
remembered, too, as she hooked her fingers in the waistband of my pants and
began to slide down into a carefully balanced crouch on her high heel shoes.
“Chloe, no,” I protested, but even I didn’t take me seriously.
    “That’s Miss Bloom to
you, sir.”
    My moment’s pause at
this little quip was all the permission she needed—my submissive needed—to
unbuckle my belt and unfasten my pants. But I caught her hands with mine as she
began to free my aching erection from my briefs. “Your timing could not be
worse, Miss Bloom. Does it get any more inappropriate than this?”
    She gaze up at me so
calmly, her expression open and unguarded. “I’m not trembling anymore, sir. And
I bet that headache is starting to fade. Am I right?”
    I didn’t need to answer
her aloud. She knew my response, or she’d never have asked the question. Chloe
was correct, of course, and I knew the point she was making. When I was her
Dom, when she was my submissive, the world shrank down around us until it
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