Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945

Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rana Mitter
diaodu” [“Resource Allocation and State Control of Yellow River Flood Zones by the National Government during the War of Resistance”], Junshi lishi yanjiu 1 (2007), 57.
8. No. 2 Historical Archives of China, ed., “1938 nian Huanghe jueti shiliao yi zu” [“Material on the Breaching of the Yellow River Dikes, 1938: 1, Selections from Xiong Xianyi’s Diary, June 1938”], Minguo dang’an 3 (1997), 9.
9. Xiong diary (June 9, 1938), 10; Diana Lary, “Drowned Earth: The Strategic Breaching of the Yellow River Dyke, 1938,” War in History 8 (2001), 198–199.
10. “Japan’s Sorrow,” Time , June 27, 1938.
11. Ibid.
12. FRUS, 1938, vol. III (July 19, 1938), 230.
13. Lary, “Drowned Earth,” 205–206.
14. FRUS, 1938, vol. III (June 15, 1938), 197.
15. Diana Lary argues that the Japanese were not defeated in any of their overall objectives (“Drowned Earth,” 201). Ma Zhonglian suggests that the Japanese had decided to change their path toward Wuhan before the flood, and that there was little strategic value to the flooding (“Huayuankou jueti de junshi yiyi” [“The Military Significance of the Breach of the Dikes at Huayuankou”], KangRi zhanzheng yanjiu 4 (1999). Hans van de Ven gives more credit to the decision in military terms, in War and Nationalism in China, 1925–1945 (London, 2003), 226.
16. “Yanbie deji guwen zhici” [“Speech of Farewell to the German Adviser”], ZT (July 2, 1938), 330.
17. FRUS, 1938, vol. III (June 22, 1938), 202.
18. Edna Tow, “The Great Bombing of Chongqing and the Anti-Japanese War, 1937–1945,” in Mark Peattie, Edward Drea and Hans van de Ven, The Battle for China: Essays on the Military History of the Sino-Japanese War (Stanford, CA, 2011), 265.
19. Qin Shaoyi, ed., Xian zongtong Jianggong sixiang lun zongji [ The Thought and Speeches of President Chiang Kai-shek ] (Taipei, 1984) [hereafter ZT]. “Fayang geming lishi de guangrong baowei geming genjudi de Wuhan” [“Wuhan, Developing Revolutionary History, Gloriously Defending the Revolutionary Base”], (July 31, 1938), 410–421.
20. MacKinnon, Wuhan 1938 , 96.
21. “Renqing muqian kangzhan xingshi he suo fuze ren nuli zhunbei baowei Wuhan” [“Clearly Recognizing the Current Situation of the War of Resistance and Those Taking the Responsibility to Work Hard to Prepare to Defend Wuhan”], ZT (August 28, 1938), 461–466.
22. “On the New Stage” (October 12–14, 1938), MZD, vol. VI, 478–479.
23. Jay Taylor, The Generalissimo: Chiang Kai-shek and the Making of Modern China (Cambridge, MA, 2009), 158
24. Taylor, Generalissimo , 159–160.
1. See Lee McIsaac, “The City as Nation: Creating a Wartime Capital in Chongqing,” in Joseph W. Esherick, ed., Remaking the Chinese City: Modernity and National Identity, 1900–1950 (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2000).
2. Du Zhongyuan, “Diren neibu yanzhong zhuangkuang de xin baogao” [“A New Report on the Serious Situation of the Enemy in the Interior”] (24 April 1938), DZY, 276.
3. On Xinjiang, see James Millward, Eurasian Crossroads: A History of Xinjiang (New York: Columbia University Press, 2006); on Tibet, see Hsiao-ting Lin, Tibet and Nationalist China’s Frontier: Intrigues and Ethnopolitics, 1928–49 (Vancouver, 2006).
4. Andres Rodriguez, “Building the Nation, Serving the Frontier: Mobilizing and Reconstructing China’s Borderlands during the War of Resistance (1937–1945),” Modern Asian Studies 45:2 (March 2011).
5. Theodore White and Annalee Jacoby, Thunder out of China (New York, 1946), 13.
6. Southwestern Normal University Chongqing Bombing Research Centre et al., ed., Chongqing da hongzha [ The Great Chongqing Bombings ] (Chongqing, 2002) [hereafter CQDH], 92–93.
7. Zhou Yong, Chongqing tongshi [ Comprehensive History of Chongqing ] (Chongqing, 2002), vol. 2, 876.
8. Sichuan Provincial Archives, Kang-ri zhanzheng shiqi Sichuan sheng ge lei qingkuang tongji [ Statistics on
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