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Book: Forevermore Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cathy Marie Hake
Tags: Fiction, General, Historical, Religious, Christian
God’s bounty, and promised his family wouldn’t go hungry. Well, as long as Miss Ladley got busy. She’d watered the garden today—no small task, that. But canning only a few jars a day wouldn’t meet the need, and most of the food would rot out in the sun.
    In all fairness, what did she know of a family’s requirements for a whole year? The woman lived from hand to mouth. Two cans. Two pathetic cans, and she considered it to be sufficient. Compared to two cans, it was no wonder she’d consider a half dozen to be gracious plenty. If I say anything to Annie, she’ll feel it’s her fault for not seeing to everything. Another woman . . . The Smiths were too busy, and the Richardson girls—well, he’d rather not do anything that might even vaguely be construed as an invitation. Velma! Yes, Velma over at Forsaken Ranch was due to come over any day now. The housekeeper from the neighboring property checked on Annie’s pregnancy now and again. She could bring along Big Tim Creighton’s bride, and the women could all see to matters.
    “Daddy,” Emmy-Lou’s little voice called through the screen door, “will you tuck me in?”
    Emmy-Lou’s request took him by surprise. Normally she sought a good-night kiss from him, then Annie put her to bed. “Ja.” He went into the house. Annie and Miss Ladley sat at the table, slicing fresh peaches. When Annie started pulling herself out of a chair, he motioned her to sit back down.
    Emmy-Lou scampered over and gave her aunt a good-night kiss. “Ich liebe dich.”
    “I love you, too.”
    Leaning the other direction, Emmy-Lou stood on tiptoe and puckered her lips. Miss Ladley gave her a quick kiss. “If’n your dreams are half as sweet as these here peaches, you’ll have to tell me all ’bout them in the mornin’.”
    “ ’Kay.” Emmy-Lou gawked around. “I don’t ’member where I put my dolly.”
    “Right there,” Annie said. “By the windowsill where you left her.”
    Emmy-Lou shuffled to the side and brightened. “Dolly!”
    “ Komm, Emmy-Lou.” Jakob held his daughter’s hand and took the stairs slowly so she could set both feet on each step. Her short legs didn’t quite allow her to manage alternating feet on the steps yet.
    She knelt at the edge of the trundle bed and folded her hands. “Daddy? Aren’t you going to pray with me?”
    “Of course I will.” He tore his gaze away from Miss Ladley’s quilt. Though folded neatly, it rested in the corner of the room. He knelt beside Emmy-Lou. She nestled closer. “Will you say it with me?”
“Ich bin ein kleines Kindelein,
Und meine Kraft ist schwach;
Ich moechte gerne Selig sein,
Und weis nicht wie ich’s mach.”
    The innocent prayer hit him hard. I’m a little child, and my strength is weak. I’d like to be holy, but don’t know how . . . The words resonated. Though a grown man, Jakob felt every bit as helpless as a child before the throne of the Almighty and under the heavy burdens he bore.
    Emmy-Lou climbed into the trundle, but Jakob stopped her as she started to tug up her blanket. “Did you sleep here last night?”
    She nodded.
    He’d assumed Annie shared her bed with his daughter and gave the trundle to the housekeeper. Jakob frowned. “Then what about Miss Ladley?”
    Emmy-Lou shrugged. “I don’t know.” A frown creased her brow. “Where’s my dolly?”
    “Right here.” He’d distracted her, and she’d lost track of her beloved rag doll. She managed to lose track of it quite often, but each time she found her doll, the joy on her face kept him from chiding her for being forgetful. Soon enough, when she started school, she’d mature enough to keep track of things better. With the household in a dither, it wasn’t always easy for him to find things either. Jakob picked up the doll from the edge of the bed and pressed it into Emmy-Lou’s hands.
    “ Danke. I love you, Daddy. Night-night.”
    “Sweet dreams.” He pressed a kiss on her forehead. “I love
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