Forever in Blue Jeans

Forever in Blue Jeans Read Online Free PDF

Book: Forever in Blue Jeans Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lissa Matthews
Tags: General Fiction
just that exceptional."
    "Unless the one-night stand could have been more had one of the participants not left like a thief in the night."
    "Well, there is that. He wanted more?"
    Blue nodded and rubbed the soft cotton of Neil's shirt between her fingers. She used to rub satin ribbon between her fingers as a child. It was something she did when unpleasant things were going on around her. She still did it when she was upset, but whether out of habit or because it calmed her, she really couldn't say. "It's silly, but... He wanted breakfast. Before he fell asleep, said he wanted to have breakfast with me at a little diner down from his hotel."
    "It's not silly. It's very sweet. He obviously liked you and you... What are you going to do now?"
    "Beats the hell out of me. He said he'd let me know Monday if he still wants the job on the house, so I guess I'll be waiting until then and going through my weekend as I normally would."
    She didn't want to do that, knowing Cort was so close. No, she wanted to do what she'd done before--run. Though, whether she wanted to run toward or away from him, she couldn't honestly say right then.
    She sighed and shifted a bit against Neil. She knew the night they'd met that she was in no shape to get involved. Hell, she'd never been in any shape to get seriously involved with anyone but especially not then. She was well and truly alone in the world, and she'd been scared shitless.
    Now, though, years later, she was stronger, making her own way, her own name, and aside from dipping into the family trust to make all the upgrades and get through the red tape to make her aunt's dream come true, she was making her own money.
    Too bad she hadn't had a job this weekend that could took her away from here. She pushed it all aside, or at least she tried, and sat up on the edge of the cushion. "Do you want something to drink?"
    "Coffee. I've only had two cups today and could sure use another."
    "How about I make us an iced coffee to take up to the house? I made some rum cake. You can't have much since I baked it for Rosie for tonight, but you can have a little sliver."
    Neil stood and offered Blue his hand. "Bad girl, tempting me with alcoholic cake. You know I can't say no." He pulled her up from the couch and followed Blue into the kitchen. "He'll be at Rosie's cookout, wouldn't you think?"
    "I suppose so. I suppose he's the reason she's having one, too."
    "You know, it's been a few months since I've seen Rosie, and I have yet to meet her new man. We should go, make an appearance."
    "No, Neil. I should just leave well enough alone. Let him have his anger or whatever it is.
    You can take the cake for me."
    "But you said his eyes changed. If you really believe he didn't mean what he said, then you have to try. That's what you always tell me. Time to walk the walk, baby."
    "Yeah, and then you get your heart broken and come crying to me."
    "As if you don't love it. You love taking care of me when I'm in need. The point I'm trying to make though, is if you want another shot, even if it's only just another one-night stand, you're going to have to make the first move."
    "Hey. I'm the one who does the counseling and advice giving. You're the one who's supposed to ignore it. That's the way this friendship works." Neil stuck his tongue out at her, and Blue simply laughed. She opened the fridge and took out the pitcher of her latest addiction: cold-brewed coffee. She held it up. "You're going to love this. It's like no other coffee you've ever had, and you're going to love me for turning you on to it."
    "I'm sure I will. I've never not loved anything you've made. Now stop changing the subject."
    "Fine," she grumbled. What if he walks out on me ? Does to me what I did to him?" She couldn't express how much she hated the vulnerability in she heard in her own voice.
    "Would you deserve any less?"
    "Ouch." Valid question or not, it still sucker punched her. "No, but two wrongs don't make a right."
    "You could always explain
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