Forever Baby

Forever Baby Read Online Free PDF

Book: Forever Baby Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ellie Wade
Tags: college
I’m completely perplexed as I get to the restroom. Completely hot and bothered, I wet a towel and dab my face and chest. Pull yourself together, Olivia. Jesus. I take a few moments to steady the rapid pounding in my chest. When I’ve regained my composure from my sudden loss of sanity, I exit the restroom.
    Nolan is leaning against the wall, facing the restroom, when I exit. “You okay, babe?” He gives me a concerned grin.
    “Yeah, I’m fine. I think I’m just tired,” I reply as he grabs my hand and leads me toward the front of the club.
    “Well, it is four in the morning. It’s been a long day. Nadia went to hail a couple of cabs out front.”
    “Okay.” Remembering my purse, I try to see across the club to our table. “Did you grab my purse?”
    “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t.”
    “No problem. Go ahead. I’m going to go grab it, and I will be right out.” I can see the questioning expression on Nolan’s face. “I’m fine, really. See you in a second.”
    I quickly walk toward our table, now void of patrons, and I get a glimpse of my black sequined purse that fell onto the floor under the table. Retrieving it, I begin to depart, and I see him. My chest expands with a sensation I haven’t felt often—deep desire and attraction. My senses return, and I take in the surroundings past my tunnel vision, focusing on him. I stand immobile, unable to pull my eyes away. As quickly as my body flooded with desire, it leaves, only to be replaced by a different emotion, one that is not nearly as welcome.

What is this reaction? Sadness? Can I really say that I am experiencing sadness? The idea is ridiculous. Jealousy? Maybe. Disappointment? How can I be disappointed about something that never was? My chest is full of an uncomfortable pressure as I stand, frozen, gawking at the hot guy who I had a brief visual connection with moments ago.
    His arms are around another girl, and he is whispering something in her ear. She throws her head back in laughter, and I can’t stop the stab of jealousy running through my veins. What is my problem? This whole scenario is irrational. In my head, I know it is. It doesn’t make any sense, yet I can’t pull my eyes away. I watch as he runs his hands slowly down her sides and around to her back, pulling her in close as they dance. I stay there, wondering who he is. Who is this eye candy of a man that has me so befuddled? I don’t do this. I don’t stand around, ogling guys who happen to be attractive. What right do I have to feel jealous over someone I have never spoken to?
    I feel a hand wrap around my arm, and it breaks my daze.
    “Hey, are you okay?”
    I can hear the concern in Nolan’s voice.
    “Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s go.”
    He takes my hand, and we head for the exit. I haven’t even been in Spain for twenty-four hours, and I am going mental. I blame it on the exhaustion or the alcohol or both.

    The moment I open my eyes, my thoughts go to last night. I lie in bed, still confused about the weird stare-down with the god of sexiness—no, the god of hotness. Hmm…no, I can’t think of a word to adequately describe his level of deliciousness, but, man, I’ve never had a reaction like that to anyone. My mind travels to the subsequent gawking incident, and I still can’t fathom why that affected me as it did. I experience a twinge of sadness, knowing I’ll probably never see him again.
    The flashing of my phone catches my attention. Reaching for it, I find a text from Nolan.
Nolan: Hey! You feeling okay? ;-)
Me: Yeah. I’m not that bad. Must have been tired. Had fun though!
Nolan: Me, too! That place was the shit! We’ll have to go again!
Me: Totally! We’ll have to take Cara and Abby there when they visit!
Nolan: For sure! What are your plans today? It’s our last free day. ;-)
Me: Not sure. Let me get my ass out of bed. Will text you later. xo
Nolan: Sounds good. Talk to you later. xoxo
    I plug my phone into the charger and head to the bathroom, smiling.
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