Fool's Gold (A sexy funny mystery/romance, Cottonmouth Book 2)
helped her load the bags into the bed of her
    “Did you follow me, Brax?”
    “You could say I followed your rear end.”
    She arched a darkened eyebrow into her
    He stepped back and pointed to the tailgate
of her truck and the excess of bumper stickers plastered to the
chrome. “Too small to read when I’m adhering to the required
distance of one car length per ten miles an hour rate of speed. I
had to follow you in here so I could take a good, long gander at
your stickers.”
    She put a hand on her hip. “Should I take it
you’re done perusing my backside?”
    He nodded. “I find that one particularly
intriguing.” He pointed to a black decal with white letters warning
the unwary: Don’t make me bring out the flying monkeys .
    “It’s the Wicked Witch of the West sending
out the monkeys to steal Dorothy away,” Simone explained.
    “I get the image very clearly.” She’d win
lovers’ quarrels with that one, by getting said lover to laugh
himself to death. Or bring him to his knees for an entirely
different reason. Damn, he did have it bad when a bumper sticker
made him hot. He pointed once more to her truck’s rear. “The skulls
are a nice touch.”
    They ringed her license plate, and following
her, he’d noticed the eyes lit up when she stepped on the
    She bounced on her platforms, felled him with
a heart-stopping smile, and clapped her hands to her cheeks.
“Aren’t they absolutely perfect? Whitey found them for me in one of
his Harley magazines.” Her hands flipped, flapped and waved all
over the place as she talked. “You remember Whitey, don’t you? He
was at Flood’s End last night.”
    “Beard down to here.” Brax hit the edge of
his hand mid-chest. “And a voice like he’s chewing gravel?”
    “That’s him. I think Mr. Doodle and I are
probably the only ones who understand him. Not that anyone can
completely understand Whitey.” She tapped her temple. “He’s a
little out there, and my mother would drop dead of a brain
implosion if she saw him stick tobacco in his mouth, but he’s the
biggest sweetie who ever walked the earth.” Simone put the last bag
in the bed and leaned her hip against the side of the truck. “So,
who are you like?”
    She dizzied him with her lightning-fast
speech, hand movements, and subject changes.
    Both her eyebrows flashed up this time.
“ The Wizard of Oz . Which character do you identify
    “Ahhh.” The sound wheezed out of him. “I’ve
never thought about it.” He wasn’t sure anyone but Simone
Chandler had.
    She saved him from answering by launching
into her own preference. “Personally, I’m intrigued by the Wicked
Witch of the West. You know, life must have been really tough being
a wicked witch.” She punctuated with a hand flap and a hair flip.
“She’s got all that green-tinged skin and that long nose and raspy
voice. I think she had bad teeth, too. And her younger sister, the
Good Witch, is so much prettier and nicer and everybody loves her
and she gets to wear the pretty white dress, while the Wicked Witch
has to wear all that ugly black stuff—”
    “The Good Witch wasn’t her sister.”
    She gasped, as if he’d blasphemed. “Sure
Glinda was her sister.”
    He shook his head, playing her game, wanting
to. Almost compelled to. She had that effect on a man, making him
want to do things not in his nature. “The Wicked Witch of the East,
who got clobbered by Dorothy’s house, is the Wicked Witch’s
    She gaped. “They’re all sisters, the
north, the south, the east, and the west. It’s just that two of
them are wicked and two of them are good.”
    He quirked one side of his mouth in what he’d
been told was a know-it-all smile. Damn. He liked arguing
with her. “Nope. You better watch the movie again.”
    “I’m sure I’m right. The two wicked witches
lived in the shadows of their happy, pretty sisters.”
    Again, the happier, prettier sister thing. He
wondered briefly about her
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