Flash Point
it,” Kate protested. “A lot. And I’m not sorry it happened.”
    Ellie’s expression softened and she sighed. “Oh, honey, I’m sure you did. The Wyatt men are very charming, and Todd especially so. He could probably entice a nun out of her habit in two minutes flat.”
    “Okay, I know you’re trying to be encouraging with this conversation, but it’s not helping so much,” Kate said on a sigh, then wrinkled her nose. “You’re making me feel a bit like a first-class idiot.”
    “I’m sorry and you’re totally not an idiot.” Ellie groaned and redid her dark ponytail. “It’s just that, since that conversation at my bachelorette party, I know how inexperienced you are…”
    A blush heated Kate’s cheeks but she didn’t back down. “And?”
    “Well, answer me this. Have you ever fooled around with a guy at all, before Todd?”
    “Yes. One.”
    “Okay and how did he make you feel?”
    Kate’s stomach roiled and her head spun a bit as the memory hit her. She glanced down at her hands and replied quietly, “It was exciting. It felt good.”
    “And with Todd?”
    Heat slid through her blood as she compared what she’d experienced when she was a teenager, to what she’d experienced with Todd last night. “It was like a hundred times more intense. Todd’s kiss left my knees shaking. It wasn’t just a nice, exciting, touch. It was a forgetting-to-breathe touch.”
    She glanced up again and found Ellie watching her with resignation.
    “Well, shit,” Ellie finally muttered. “Definitely must run in the Wyatt family or something. Because Tyson makes me feel the same way.”
    Kate smiled, though Ellie’s words actually made her a little sadder. At least Tyson reciprocated Ellie’s feelings.
    “So…what if I wanted to sleep with Todd? I mean, if I could convince him.”
    Ellie’s gaze turned wary. “Kate, if you were anyone else, I might say go for it. But you’re a virgin—”
    “Jeez, I wished I’d kept my mouth shut that night.”
    “And I’m worried about you getting seriously heartbroken. Todd is pretty much a one-ride ticket.”
    A one-ride ticket. The phrase floated around in her head. “But what a ride it would be.” She heard herself saying the words aloud and blushed again. Emboldened now, she pushed on. “Look, Ellie, I seriously, seriously , need to lose my virginity soon. It’s way overdue. I saw the way you and Megan looked at me when I announced it.”
    “Okay, so we were shocked, Kate. But, being a virgin is not a bad thing.”
    “I know it’s not, but it’s just a word. A status that I want gone. So why not do it with someone I trust? Someone who gets my juices floating? Someone who’s going to be pretty darn good at it?”
    Ellie pressed her fingers to her temples and shook her head. “But don’t you want your first time to be special? With someone you love and who loves you back?”
    “Was your first time like that?”
    Ellie was silent for a moment. “No. But I wish it had been.”
    Hmm. But what if you never met that person? Were you really supposed to spend the rest of your life abstinent? Sure, there was love. But there was also lust, and as she was quickly learning, the latter wasn’t to be underestimated.
    “Here’s what I’m thinking,” Kate said slowly. “A week ago I never would’ve guessed Todd could look at me the way he did last night. Look at me like I was a sexy woman he desired. He wanted me last night, as much as I’ve always wanted him. And I know he won’t marry me, but…I think I want one night.”
    Ellie just stared at her, her expression a mixture of understanding and hesitancy.
    “If you had only been offered one night with Tyson, would you have taken it?” Kate asked.
    Ellie gave a reluctant nod. “In a heartbeat. In fact when I slept with him, I thought what we had could never last. I was on the run, lying about who I was. Logistically, it never should’ve worked out.”
    “But it did,” Kate said softly. The story of
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