agitated and, in a shocking admission, said that he was unable to cope without his daily fixes of cannabis in the morning and in the evening before dinner. Now on a roll, he boasted that when he went home in the afternoon he would start with a small joint to build up for a huge joint before going to bed – and that he could not even drive his car unless he was high. Gerard explained that he was worried about how he would manage for the holiday without his fix. Jeremy was speechless but realised with clarity that Gerard’s behaviour traits had a lot to do with his drug-taking.
Putting Gerard’s revelations to one side and with his newfound interest in video equipment, Jeremy started reading the professional filming magazines to keep up with the latest technologies so that he would be able to answer customer enquiries. It was through this research that he found an online forum affiliated to a trade magazine called where video enthusiasts would discuss the latest equipment, seek out advice about where to purchase items, as well as have ordinary, general discussions about the industry. Totally out of the ordinary, however, was that some DVDoctor users had deemed it necessary to start a new discussion forum called ‘Video Action’, which served as a warning to other readers and where it became apparent that Gerard did indeed have a bad reputation in the industry. On reading further, there were comments from many dissatisfied customers, such as:
Lloyd Gerard called me a liar on two occasions, failed to honour guarantees. I have publicly denounced him and openly challenged him and hisbusiness practices which quite frankly are rotten fish. There will be one less rude and supercilious person out there. Do not under any circumstances leave a deposit unless you intend to buy. – John A.V.
I never met anyone else who hasn’t said bad things about this man … what surprises me is that he is still trading. – Stoo
My summing up of Lloyd Gerard (and yes, I know this is childish, but so is Gerard). Lloyd Gerard is a fucking idiot with the intellect of a monkey’s left bollock and so is anyone that buys his dodgy grey imported crap after reading threads on here. If we carry on the good work on this forum (and others like it) then eventually this muppet will go out of business. What a mentalist! – Beethoven
When I set up my company I bought a shed load of kit from Video Action. I didn’t really want to go to Lloyd Gerard as I had the same crap from him some months earlier when trying to get quotes and I agree with all that has been said about him. He is a rude, little, arrogant twat though (and he is short)! – Julian
Sorry to bring this up again but today I’ve just had my first and last experience of trying to deal with this prat. What a plonker! – Fabian
Jeremy asked Gerard if he knew about this forum but he was never fazed; he knew that by offering attractive prices people would call him and he was always extremely busy. He had no respect for his customers, saying, ‘There will always be another one tomorrow.’ His attitude more than likely stemmed from the fact that he was from a wealthy family and a property millionaire in his own right, so he did not have to care very much about anyone.
However, Gerard’s behaviour was starting to impact on Jeremy’s business. On one occasion, Jeremy was on the telephone to his customer quietly discussing their wedding video requirements. In the background, Gerard was having a blazing row with someone who had come into the shop to complain about a camcorder he had bought. Gerard’s face was red with rage, his clenched fists on the desk, trying to muster as much height as he could while shouting a litany of swearwords at the top of his voice at the customer. Jeremy had to apologise to his own customer for the commotion and offered to call them back when it was quieter. It became a different matter, however, when he had a bride’s mother visiting