First to Fall

First to Fall Read Online Free PDF

Book: First to Fall Read Online Free PDF
Author: Carys Jones
started turning up and asking questions. Things have died down a bit lately but I expect the media circus will come to town again around the trial. You best be ready, my boy. Once they get wind that you are her lawyer they will come sniffing round and asking questions. It is always best just to stay schtum.’
    ‘Yes, no worries, I won’t say anything to the press.’ He added newspapers to his list.
    ‘Good lad.’
    ‘Before I forget, my wife, Isla, would like to have yourself and your wife round for dinner one night.’
    ‘Oh how splendid!’ Edmond smiled ear to ear. ‘I’ll have a word with Mrs. Cope tonight. Although I should warn you, she does like a drink or two.’
    The clouds still hung heavy with the threat of rain when Aiden pulled into his driveway. He had spent the afternoon going over his notes and listening to the audio recording of his meeting with Brandy. He had assembled a number of questions for when he next went to visit the prison and was determined to find out more about her deceased husband, Brandon.
    The sweet smell of apple pie floated on the air and enticed his senses. He hoped that the delicious aroma was coming from his own home but did not want to get his hopes up as it would be completely out of character for Isla to bake.
    To Aiden’s delight, when he entered the kitchen he was greeted by a glorious pie sitting proudly in the centre of the table.
    ‘Well, well,’ he called out. Meegan came hurrying in to greet him, throwing herself clumsily into his legs for a hug.
    ‘Hey, tiny dancer.’ He scooped her up in his arms and noted how quickly she was growing and gaining weight these days. He was thankful to now be having the chance to savour each and every precious moment of all her too fleeting childhood.
    ‘Pie, pie!’ she squealed, pointing over at the table.
    ‘Yes, I can see a lovely pie. Did Mommy make it?’
    ‘And me!’
    ‘Oh, of course, and you.’
    ‘She helped crush apples,’ Isla informed him as she entered the kitchen.
    ‘Clever girl.’ Meegan was beaming with pride.
    ‘How was work?’
    Aiden set his daughter down and she ran off into the lounge. He admired the pie again and gave his wife an approving smile.
    ‘Well this is certainly nice to come home to. Makes a change from takeaway!’
    ‘The nearest takeaway is two towns over so you better get used to good old-fashioned home cooking!’
    ‘Work was good thanks, hun. Went to the prison, it was quite interesting. I can’t make her out.’
    ‘The suspect. She seems, well, not like a killer.’
    ‘But she is though, isn’t she?’
    ‘Well, yes, she confessed.’
    ‘There you go then. Don’t go over-thinking it. Just enjoy handling a simple case.’ Isla began to lay the table for dinner.
    ‘So what delicacy have you whipped up for tonight?’
    ‘Macaroni and cheese.’
    ‘Oh.’ Aiden found it hard to conceal his disappointment at the meal which had been his staple diet whilst a struggling student.
    ‘I know, it isn’t the most exciting but the pie took forever. I’m still getting used to this whole Stepford Wives scenario.’
    ‘I’m grateful, don’t get me wrong. I love mac and cheese, and I know Meegan is crazy for it. Thanks.’ He went over and planted a kiss on her cheek.
    ‘So, what do you think?’ Isla stepped back from him and held her hands out expectantly, her face full of excitement.
    ‘So?’ Aiden was confused.
    ‘Come on Aid, don’t kid, you like it, right?’
    ‘Erm…’ He looked his wife up and down, unsure what the answer was she was looking for.
    ‘God, Aid!’ Her tone made it clear he had given a very wrong answer.
    ‘My hair, jeez! I had my hair done, remember? Shorter, new colour. God, you just live in your own little world, just like you did in Chicago!’ Her face was flush with anger, and now that she mentioned it, her hair did look a bit different.
    ‘Hey,’ Aiden was getting defensive, ‘there is no need to be like that. I’ve just got in;
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