First Time: Ian's Story (First Time (Ian) Book 1)

First Time: Ian's Story (First Time (Ian) Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: First Time: Ian's Story (First Time (Ian) Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Abigail Barnette
don’t know. I was hoping
you’d know the answer.”
    “ You realize that I’m a
priest, right?” he reminded me with the patented Pratchett
    “ You weren’t always a
priest,” I countered. “And I suspect you leave that collar at home
on Friday nights.”
    “ Thursdays,” he
    “ I don’t know how to do
slow,” I went on. “And she’s so… I don’t want to say pure, I don’t
want to make it weird. But she’s this little piece of cotton candy
fluff. She has a dimple in one cheek when she smiles. Just the one.
She’s like fucking sunshine.”
    “ Oh, then, you’d better not
go near her again,” Danny said. “I’ve heard your confessions
    “ Well, that’s the thing. I
told her I would call her.” For clarity’s sake, I added, “She
actually said she would like it if I called her. I know that I
would like it if I called her. So, do I?”
    “ Do you what? Uncle Ian, I’m
saying this as your nephew and not your priest: you are not going
to be able to be with someone that much younger than you who goes
’slow’. That probably sounds judgmental and short-sighted, but in
terms of sin, you’re in the majors, and she hasn’t even filled out
her Little League paperwork yet.”
    “ I’ll have you know that I
haven’t had sex since Gena left me.” I checked my watch, again.
“Look, I think I’m going to do what you do. The whole celibacy
    “ Oh, yeah? Let’s see how
that shakes out.” Someone called for “Father Daniel” in the
background. His response to them was muffled, then he returned to
our conversation “I have to go. But I’m adding to your penance. You
need to sit down and think about how strange it is for a man your
age to be considering a relationship with a twenty-two year old,
let alone asking your nephew for advice about it.”
    “ Okay, that’s what my nephew
thinks. What does my priest think?” I pulled on my jacket and
headed through the main floor of the empty office.
    “ Your priest thinks it’s a
bad move to get involved. And you need to pray. A lot.”
    “ Oh, in that case,
absolution rejected. I think I will call this girl. Not just to
prove you wrong, either.” I punched the code into the security
system to lock up. “I like her. I might see what
    “ Whatever you do, be honest
with her from the beginning,” Danny warned. “That’s your nephew,
not your priest speaking. Or…no, actually, it’s both.”
    “ Are you going to your mum’s
for dinner?” I wasn’t sure I was going to my sister’s house today.
She’d know that I’d been out on a date. She had a supernatural
sense about other people’s business.
    “ No, one of my confirmation
students has a band concert or something at East River Park, and I
said I’d go. You want to grab some food and meet me there at two?
Your treat?”
    “ Sure.” I hit the button for
the elevator and said, “Look, I’m about to leave. Have a good mass.
Break a leg, yeah?”
    “ Sure. Try not to get hit by
a bus on the way, because you’ll go immediately to Hell,” he
advised before we disconnected.
    I headed out to the street and flagged down
a cab, because I’d rather pull a tooth than fight for parking. I
spent the ride to St. Andrew’s mulling over what had Danny said. I
should think about what it meant to pursue a relationship with
someone so much younger than I was. I definitely needed to consider
how important the sexual side of said relationship would be to
    We pulled up to the curb, and I paid the
driver. Standing on the sidewalk in front of the church, I mentally
tossed around the advice I’d read online. Danny said to take time
and consider, but all those websites had said not to wait too long
or play aloof when you liked the girl. But none of those websites
had advice to give to a man who wanted to date a woman thirty years
younger. There were websites out there that did, as I’d found out
when I’d googled it the night before, but they
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