First Drop of Crimson

First Drop of Crimson Read Online Free PDF

Book: First Drop of Crimson Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jeaniene Frost
intensity, and Denise didn’t have to be undead to sense the power leaking off him. But still, instinct told her Spade wouldn’t harm her, no matter how angry he might be with her. If it was just herself Raum had threatened, she’d take her chances alone, but her family’s lives depended on convincing Spade to help her.
    “Then after you bury me, you may as well find each member of my family and kill them, too,” she replied. “Because that’s what Raum will do unless I give him Nathanial. How many murders are you willing to commit instead of helping me?”
    He leaned back, something like disbelief on his face. “Are you blackmailing me?”
    Denise gave a bitter laugh. “Blackmail implies that I have something you want, but I have nothing…except the hope that I won’t cause anyone else I care about to get killed. You’ve made it clear that humans don’t mean much to you, but can’t you understand that?”
    Spade glanced away, looking out the window at the cars whizzing past them. Finally he jerked the gear shift out of park.
    “Luckily for you, I can.”

    Denise had gone straight into the bathroom once they arrived at the hotel, reminding Spade he’d neglected to stop so she could use the facilities along the way. She hadn’t said a word, poor girl. She was no doubt hungry as well. He heard the shower switch on and decided to order for her instead of waiting to ask her preferences. With the day she’d had, he’d be surprised if she was awake by the time the food arrived.
    Spade hadn’t driven straight to his house because he wanted to clear some things up before they had an audience. He’d gotten one room at the hotel, wanting to be close in case the demon somehow followed them, unlikely as that was. Still, it didn’t do to let his guard down when it came to demons. Raum could attempt to ambush him and hold him hostage as incentive to get more cooperation in the undead world. Spade wouldn’t put anything past a demon. It was a good thing they were so rare, or humanity would have far more to concern itself with than the occasional rogue vampire or ghoul.
    He slid his shoes off, stretching as he settled himself in the overstuffed chair. This was a fine kettle he’d gotten himself into. How to find Nathanial without anyone realizing he was looking for him? If he was open about his search for him, then Spade would be the obvious suspect when Nathanial turned up missing—and he didn’t fancy getting involved in another undead war. Not to mention, he’d have to hide the fact that Denise was with him. If word of that got ’round to Crispin, he’d instantly suspect trouble.
    But no one else really knew Denise. Few had seen what Denise looked like, and of them, many were now dead. Who was to say Denise wasn’t just another sweet snack he was traveling with? As long as he avoided Crispin, Cat, and the rest of their close friends, there was a chance he could find Nathanial without anyone knowing Denise was involved.
    Spade didn’t want to calculate the odds of that. No matter that wisdom said he needed to avoid Denise, for more than one reason, he really didn’t have a choice about helping her.
    The bathroom door opened and she came out, wearing a robe with the hotel’s name stitched on it. Spade nodded at the closet, indicating where he’d put her bag. She retrieved some items from it and then stood there, chewing on her lip as if debating whether to speak.
    Spade arched a brow. “Unlike some vampires, I can’t read minds, so whatever it is, you’ll have to say it out loud.”
    “I want you to know I intend to pay you for your time,” she said, the words coming out in a rush. “And reimburse you for any expenses, like this hotel room.”
    First she’d manipulated him, now she insulted him. “No.”
    She blinked. “No?”
    “I understand your confusion,” Spade said smoothly, “since it seems you don’t hear that word often, but allow me to explain. It means I’m not your employee.
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