Fire and Sword

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Book: Fire and Sword Read Online Free PDF
Author: Simon Scarrow
heart myself ?’
    ‘I remember it.’
    ‘Now you are Emperor, and about to take another crown.’ He raised his glass in mock salute. ‘That makes rather a mockery of my oath, wouldn’t you say?’
    ‘It would, if I had become a tyrant,’ Napoleon replied evenly.‘But the people voted for me to become Emperor, and that makes me the embodiment of their will. In that case, I am no tyrant, and your honour is intact.’
    ‘A lawyer would find no problem with that form of words,’ Lucien conceded. ‘But my oath is honoured in the letter rather than the spirit.’
    ‘As you will, Lucien. But times have changed. The revolution was descending into chaos before we ended the Directory. Since then France has had order.’
    ‘True, but we have traded order for freedom.’
    ‘That may be, but do you really think it matters to the vast majority of the people? They need employment.They need bread, and more than anything they need a sense of stability. All of which it is my intention to provide. It all depends on what you mean by freedom, Lucien.’ Napoleon paused as his mind enlarged on the idea. ‘For you, and me, and those who frequent the salons, it is an ideal, and like all ideals it is a luxury. The only freedom that matters to the common people is the freedom from suffering.’
    Lucien frowned, shook his head and stared down at the food on his gilt-edged plate.‘If men are not to aspire to ideals, Napoleon, then what distinguishes us from common beasts?’
    ‘There is always a place for ideals, and for those men who will discuss them and advance their cause. But such men are scarce and must be nurtured and raised up to privileged positions.’
    ‘In other words they must become aristocrats. It would seem that you are advocating a return to the evils of the Bourbons’ regime.’
    Napoleon shrugged. ‘As long as a man has talent I won’t hold his background against him, even if he is a stuck-up prick like Talleyrand.’
    Joseph laughed, and after glancing round at the shocked expressions on the faces of the women, Napoleon joined in.
    Even Lucien smiled at the remark. ‘You have the measure of that man, brother.’
    They raised their glasses to each other and took another draught of wine.
    Letizia cleared her throat. ‘Of course, it is very fine that you provide such rewards for talented men, but how can you ensure that they will remain loyal to the new order? Can you trust men who would be so easily dazzled by the baubles you offer them?’
    ‘Of course, Mother. What greater spur to loyalty is there than the prospect of reward for good service?’
    ‘Family,’ she replied at once.‘There is no greater bond of loyalty than blood.’
    Napoleon nodded. ‘And that is why I must elevate my family and friends to high positions in France, and in time place them amongst the ruling houses of the European powers, and perhaps on thrones of their own.’
    ‘You cannot be serious.’ Joseph chuckled. ‘You would make me a king?’
    ‘One day perhaps, and sooner than you might think.’
    ‘Preposterous!’ Joseph shook his head. ‘I was not born to be a king, any more than Lucien here, or Louis or Jérôme.’
    ‘I disagree,’ Napoleon replied. ‘Any one of my brothers is worth ten tsars, or any ruler placed on a throne by right of birth. Why, one only needs to look to Britain to see the proof of that. King George is insane, and his heir is an irresponsible libertine. Are there not a hundred, a thousand, better men in Britain with the ability to rule? So, when the time comes, I will make kings of you all.’
    ‘Whether we wish it or not?’ asked Lucien.
    ‘I need allies I can trust. As Mother says, what better bond is there than blood? Are you with me?’
    Lucien thought for a moment, and shrugged. ‘You are my brother. Of course I am with you. As long as you are no tyrant.’
    ‘And you,
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