Fire and Ice

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Book: Fire and Ice Read Online Free PDF
Author: J. E. Christer
fast to catch up with them.  Thorvald, ever ready to defend his friend, started to draw his sword but noting the youth was unarmed, he sheathed it again.
    “What is it?” Juliana asked, recognising one of the stable lads.
    “There’s a messenger back at the Hall, he’s from the King, sire, and he has news for you. He says he will only hand over the scroll to you personally,” the lad gasped.
    Ulfric exchanged a knowing look with Thorvald and kicked his horse into a gallop while the others followed apace.

Chapter 5
    It was late in the evening of the same day and only Ulfric and Thorvald were left sitting before the fire in the Great Hall. 
    “So, the King wishes you to meet him at Lincoln, Ulfric.  You are honoured to be chosen as a member of his Council.”
    “I know, but I wish I didn’t have to go now.  I feel that I need to get to know the people here and listen to their concerns.  Juliana has told me of the people’s love and respect for her father and if I’m away for any length of time, they might despise me even more than they already do.”
    “They don’t despise you, Ulfric.  They’re just wary of a new lord, especially after what happened to the last one.”
    “De Gant!” he snapped, “if only I’d come sooner rather than wait for the title to be signed by William.  No wonder Juliana and her mother don’t trust me.”
    “I think she’s warming to you, Ulfric.”
    “Who?  Juliana?  You wouldn’t say that if you saw how quickly she jumps beneath her furs at night.”
    “I’ve seen a light in her eyes when she looks at you.  Admittedly, she covers up her feelings very well, but I think she sees you as her protector.”
    Ulfric shook his head, “If that’s so, it’s because of de Gant.  Now, she does hate him and I understand why.  That’s another reason why I need to stay here, Thorvald.  There’ll be no stopping him if I’m not around.”
    “I’ll stay and watch him.”
    “No, I need you at my back.  There’s only one thing for it, she’ll have to come with us.  She’d decorate any court in the land and I’m sure William will approve.”
    “But will she leave her mother?”
    “She’ll have to.  I can’t risk de Gant taking advantage of the situation if I don’t take her with us.”
    At that moment the door slam med open and de Gant stumbled in, weaving a path to the table where the ale was kept in a large jug.  He lifted a drinking horn and slopped some onto the table before knocking it to the back of his throat and laughing as it dribbled down his tunic.  He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before saying,
    “So, Ulfric.  I hear you’ve been summoned to Lincoln by the King himself.”
    “You hear correctly, Sir Richard, not that it’s any of your business.”
    “That’s where you’re wrong.  My father will be with William and he’s asked me to join you.”
    Ulfric stifled a groan.  The last thing he needed was de Gant around Juliana while they were away but he pretended otherwise.
    “Good, you might be recalled to Normandy to your family’s estates there.  You can’t neglect those forever can you?”
    De Gant scowled and refil led the drinking horn before stomping to his bedchamber.  A few minutes later he returned to fetch Alice to his bed, who by now had ceased struggling in case she was given another black eye.
    Ulfric watched him with distaste.  How on earth he had become a knight he had no idea.  His manners were disgusting and his mistreatment of the fairer sex knew no bounds, in fact his particular code of chivalry would shame any other knight in Christendom.  He would have liked to have thrown him out of the Hall but he owed de Gant’s father for paying for his own education and training for knighthood when he was a youth. 
    “I’m going to my cham ber, Thorvald.  I’m weary with de Gant’s games and I need to plan the next move.”
    He entered the chamber quietly and undressed, putting his clothes
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