Finding The Soul Bridge (The Soul Fire Saga Book 1)

Finding The Soul Bridge (The Soul Fire Saga Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Finding The Soul Bridge (The Soul Fire Saga Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Zax Vagen
groove into the bottom of the north side of the nest and the best way to do that is to use these saplings.”
    Jem started tying one end of the rope to a small tree, not thicker than his wrist, a short way down from the ant nest. “Take the other end over the high side of the ant nest, and tie it to that sapling over there.”
    Jem pointed to the exact sapling and Thist followed his finger. “I got it.”
    “Pull the knot tighter Thist. That’s it.”
    As Thist tied his rope, Jem climbed to the top of the ant nest and tied one pulley to the dead tree trunk. The two saplings were bowed toward each other, and when Thist had tied his end of the rope, Jem poured water on the rope and shouted, “Are you ready to become a believer?”
    “Show me the best you’ve got, captain.”
    “Take your sapling and pull it down toward you.”
    Thist pulled on the little tree. Jem pushed hard on his and the rope scraped against the bottom of the ant nest cutting into it. Jem leaned back using his balance and the force of gravity, Thist saw what he was doing and copied him. The trees and rope were doing all the real work but for the boys it was like riding a seesaw. Ants came running from the gash in their nest threatening to devour anything that would defile their home. Though an ant on its own is a futile creature, thousands at a time were a force to be feared.
    The two friends sawed to and fro for a few minutes, and while the gash widened, the ants poured out like a fountain. When the cut in the nest deepened to almost halfway and the ants threatened to eat the two boys, Jem shouted, “Untie your rope quickly.”
    Thist struggled with the knot as the ants advanced over his hands and started to bite him. Thist squealed and Jem knew he was in trouble. “Run Thist! Run up the mountain!” cried Jem.
    Thist ran, dropping the rope and brushing frantically at the ants.
    Jem had his end of the rope loose from the tree and ran around the top of the ant nest flicking the rope hard to get the ants off.
    “You idiot!” shouted Thist. “You could have warned me about how vicious these things are. Look at my hands!”
    Thist’s hands looked like they had been punctured by a thousand needles. Jem just laughed. “You should have seen yourself! You would make an excellent court jester the way you go dancing and slapping yourself.”
    Thist looked displeased at having his discomfort laughed at.
    “Why are you still holding the rope Jem?”
    “Well, one end is still tied to that tree of yours, and if it lies on the ground the ants will destroy it in a minute.”
    “Then go over there and untie it.”
    “No worries. The ants will do it for me.”
    As Jem spoke, the rope came loose. The ants had climbed the tree and chewed through the knot. Jem gave the rope a few vigorous flicks and then pulled it toward him.
    “Wait.” said Thist. “Let me do that.”
    Thist took the rope that was lying loose on the ground and gave it one flick. The rope became airborne and curled itself up into a neat coil as it landed in Thist’s hand.
    “That’s a neat trick.” said Jem. “Where did you learn that?”
    “I am a master with a bull whip.” said Thist. “I just don’t think it’s going to help us at all.”
    “What?” asked Jem.
    “This is madness.” said Thist. “The booty, as you call it, is still in that nest, along with man eating ants.”
    “That’s where you are wrong my friend, the next part of the game plan is a strategic move of brilliance. In five minutes, that nest is going to be empty of all its fighters and then we will attack.”
    “Attack with what?”
    Jem answered by producing a small vile of strong spirits that he got from the blacksmith, and some flint. He poured the spirits on a small tuft of dried grass and struck the flint with his knife. The first spark to hit the grass caused a flame. Thist looked like he had just seen the light.
    “Now we burn the suckers.” said Jem.
    Jem nursed the flame to a modest fire. When
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