Finding Miss McFarland

Finding Miss McFarland Read Online Free PDF

Book: Finding Miss McFarland Read Online Free PDF
Author: Vivienne Lorret
her, he probably hadn’t expected their second official meeting to be less of a disaster than the first. “Your hat, Miss McFarland.”
    Her gloved hand closed over the brim, and suddenly she felt that odd crackling sensation again. She hadn’t felt it in nearly a year. She’d even convinced herself that she’d imagined it. Yet here it was again, these hot little pinpricks of sensation skittering beneath the surface of her skin.
    She still couldn’t tell if his eyes were brown or blue, as they were shaded beneath the brim of his John Bull. Yet, quite strangely, she felt desperate to know.
    “You have my eternal gratitude, Mr. Croft,” she said, meaning it as a lark. Instead, the words came out breathless because her mouth and throat had gone suddenly dry. She licked her lips and then felt the crackling burn hotter as his gaze caught the insignificant action. Although for reasons she couldn’t fathom, it seemed significant now.
    He released her bonnet and took a step back, his brow furrowed. “A moment’s gratitude is more acceptable for such an easy task,” he corrected.
    Of all the arrogance, Delaney’s inner voice growled, sparking a flame of a different sort. Regardless, she was determined to end this encounter better than the last. She pasted on a smile. “Perhaps. Though someone less skilled in bonnet rescue might not have returned it unmangled.”
    A slow grin lifted one corner of Mr. Croft’s mouth, as if he found her amusing. Her eyes narrowed.
    Then, one of the twins nudged him, drawing his attention. It drew Delaney’s, as well—but only because she needed the distraction. A look passed between brother and sister as if something important had just happened. Delaney couldn’t begin to guess what it was.
    That same mystery gleamed in Phoebe’s brown eyes. “Our debut party is in three days. Do you think Mother could add Bree to the invitation list?”
    “And, of course, Miss McFarland should attend as well,” Asteria added, her grin spreading by the moment.
    No. Absolutely not . Attending a gathering at the Crofts’ home would only resurrect last year’s incident—which would surely hinder her chances of finding a husband.
    Delaney had a plan in place for her future. She couldn’t risk drawing too much attention, or it would fall apart. For now, she had to do everything she could to avoid Mr. Croft and further disaster. And that included keeping Bree from entangling both of them with the Crofts.
    “Actually,” Delaney began, prepared to make a polite refusal. “I’m afraid—”
    “Oh yes, that would be splendid,” Bree answered before Delaney or Mr. Croft or anyone with any sense could stop her.

    T he following morning, Delaney waited anxiously for Hershwell to bring the Post into the breakfast room. She had to know if the luckless meeting with Mr. Croft in the park was on everyone’s lips.
    As she paced the floor, the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked buns drew her to the buffet. They looked delicious, all golden and glazed with icing. Her stomach growled, but she didn’t dare eat a thing until she knew—
    “Miss Danvers and Lord Rathburn are engaged!” Bree announced, rushing in and flapping the paper at her. “And you never said a word.”
    “Engaged?” Delaney blinked, nonplussed. Emma hadn’t said anything about being engaged earlier that week at their needlework circle.
    Bree drew in a quick breath and grinned from ear to ear. “ You didn’t know.”
    Delaney wanted to deny it—oh, how she wanted to—but instead, she kept quiet and reached for the paper.
    The devil’s spawn—or Bree McFarland, to the rest of the world—quickly hid the Post behind her back. “It serves you right. After all, you never said a word about Penelope Weatherstone’s condition. I had to find out from our cousin, Elena, and she was only too happy to gloat over me.”
    “Since you are not part of our coterie”—Delaney stepped toward her and wondered if she could get away
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