Finding Me

Finding Me Read Online Free PDF

Book: Finding Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stephanie Rose
should know.” My trembling hand grabbed it off the table. Facebook was open on her screen, and ice ran through my veins as I registered Christian’s face and the pretty blonde girl with overflowing cleavage sitting on his lap. I scrolled to the next picture of them kissing. Although, I wasn’t sure you’d call it that. With the sight of their tongues touching in clear view, they were more eating each other’s faces. My heart sank into my stomach. Christian’s new friend Heather tagged him in the picture so everyone he was friends with saw it, including the girl he forgot to break up with. My eyes ventured lower and my heart shattered even more. Christian both liked and commented ‘so sexy’ on the picture immediately after she posted it, around ten thirty last night. I texted him at eleven. Now I knew why I didn’t get a response. He either completely forgot I could see the picture, or didn’t care—I wasn’t sure which was worse.
    I wobbled to Mr. Murphy’s desk on shaky legs and made up something about feeling sick and needing the nurse. The second he handed me the pass, I darted into the girls’ bathroom to dial Christian.
    It was over, but I needed to hear him say it to have it fully sink in. The boy who told me how beautiful I was a million times a day, who whispered I love you with a concerned gaze as he gently moved inside me for the first time the night before he left, who swore going to different schools wouldn’t change what we had together—was now a lying and cheating douchebag who didn’t love me anymore, if ever.
    It took four rings for him to pick up the phone. When the line connected, female squeals and giggles assaulted my ear. How many sucker punches to the gut was I supposed to endure today?
    “Stop it, Heather.” Christian chuckled into the phone. “Hello?”
    “Hi, Christian.”
    “Bella?” His voice bristled with irritation. He didn’t even have the decency to pretend to be sorry.
    “Oh, you remember who I am? If you wanted freedom to make out with skanks, at least be a stand-up guy and say so.” I spit out my words but the tears were already falling. How could he do this to me? I fought like hell to hold on to my anger so the hurt wouldn’t seep in, but it was too late. I was cast aside like garbage for all the world to see, and I was the last to know about it.
    “Look, I’m in college now. Heather . . . well, she’s more of a woman than a little girl who’s been sheltered by her father all her life. She . . . knows things. I outgrew us a long time ago, but you were so clingy. I didn’t think you could handle it.”
    My mouth fell open and I couldn’t speak. Who was this guy? I was his girlfriend of three years, and he made me sound as if I was some girl with a crush he was trying to let down easy.
    “Well, don’t let me stand in your way. Good-bye, Christian.” I ended the call and sobbed into my hands. Holidays and summer would be torturous now since there would be no escape. His family lived up the block, so there would be nowhere to hide from the humiliation. Every time I saw him, I would remember how I wasn’t enough—and how everyone knew it.
    “What an asshole!” Laura shook her head with disgust on her face.
    I let out a heavy sigh and nodded. “The rest of my senior year I was only one step above a recluse. The gossip was relentless since Christian still had a ton of friends at school, and a few of them said he broke up with me when he graduated and I just couldn’t let go. I’d bet money Christian started that rumor. Everyone had all these “theories” as to why Christian broke up with me. I couldn’t walk down the hall without hearing whispers, or come home without weird glares from his friends since he lived on my block. Culver had a good business school, and no one from my school intended to go there. So instead of going to NYU, I came here to get away from it all.”
    Laura pursed her lips at me as she lay back on the bed. “Why didn’t you
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