Feisty Princess (Sexy Manhattan Fairytale #2)

Feisty Princess (Sexy Manhattan Fairytale #2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Feisty Princess (Sexy Manhattan Fairytale #2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michelle A. Valentine
board that our marriage wasn’t some random drunken act so they don’t question my ability to run this company. I’ve worked my ass off since my father’s death to prove not only to the board, but also to myself, that I’m fit to fill Father’s shoes. I would want him to be proud of how well I’ve handled everything.”
    Silence settles in the office. I’ve never really admitted to anyone why I’m so driven, but it feels good to say it out loud. I just hope that Margo understands why this means so much to me and agrees to help me out.
    Finally, after she’s had time to process everything I’ve just told her, she launches into question mode. “So you’re saying that you want to stay married and that you want me to play along and make the world believe that we’re madly in love?”
    “That’s exactly what I’m asking.”
    Margo nods. “What’s in it for me?”
    I flinch. “I thought I was pretty clear about how me staying in power benefits you.”
    She shakes her head. “All you said was that if I wanted to save my father’s business, then I would need to help you. I’m just sitting here asking myself why I would want to do that. I know your main objective is to buy out my father’s entire company and then break it into pieces to sell off like it’s some worn-out toy at a flea market.”
    I sigh, hating that what I’m about to propose goes against everything in me. “If you help me, then I promise that in return, I will not break apart your father’s company and sell it off in sections as I originally planned. Instead, King Corporation will become a financial partner with Buchanan Industries. And as a bonus, I’ll make sure Yamada Enterprises strikes up a deal with your father’s company directly.”
    A wicked smile lights up Margo’s face as she stands up and sticks her hand out to me. “You’ve got yourself a deal, baby.”
    Internally, I cringe, but I know I have to look at the bigger picture in this situation. Losing this deal with Buchanan Industries is going to hurt like a motherfucker, but losing control of my company will hurt a lot fucking worse.
    I stand and then walk around the desk in order to take her hand in mine. Immediately, the warmth of her touch causes my heart to pound a little harder in my chest as my body craves to get my hands on more of her soft skin.
    I lick my lips as my eyes flit down to her mouth. “I’ll expect you to be at my house, suitcase in hand, by seven sharp.”
    “Excuse me?” Margo instantly attempts to pull away from my grasp, but I don’t let her go. “You didn’t say a thing about me living with you.”
    I cock my right eyebrow as I stare down at her. “Married couples generally live together.”
    “Yes, but typically those people like each other,” she growls as she pulls again to break free of me.
    A smirk crosses my face. “Are you saying that you don’t like me?”
    “I despise you,” she hisses.
    Whenever Margo gets into bitch mode, it triggers something in me that’s so insanely attracted to her that I can barely contain myself. Before I even realize what I’m doing, I have her by the nape of the neck and am crushing my lips to hers.
    At first her eyes widen, but she doesn’t fight me a bit. As a matter of fact, it seems to turn her on. Because the next thing I know, her hands are in my hair and our bodies are pressed so close I can feel the curve of her tits against my chest.
    I spin Margo around and push her ass against my desk. A loud crash echoes through the room as I shove all the paperwork from my desk to the floor.
    I grip her hips as she shoves my jacket off my shoulders. “I’ve thought about fucking you on this desk since the first time I saw you.” She moans into my mouth as I slide my hand between her thighs until my fingers trace the silky material of her panties. “I’ve missed the taste of this sweet pussy on my tongue. Just think about how fun this is going to be when we get to my apartment tonight.”
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