red-head on the bus? I pretended to be cool about it, though, even though my insides were doing cartwheels. So, I shrugged my shoulders. “That’s a little bit below my going rate.” That was bullshit, of course. My going rate was pretty much whatever they would be willing to pay me. This guy could tell me that he would pay me $50 to paint her, and I would have taken that job. I was kinda a whore that way.
    He shut the book. “Okay, then, Mr. Roberts, I’ll find somebody else to complete this project.”
    Oops. I overplayed my hand in my utter excitement, which was caused by my finally getting a bite. “Well, I’ll make the exception for you, of course.”
    He raised an eyebrow and stared at me. Just….stared. He put one of his fingers up to his cheek and continued to stare at me. I had to admit that I was feeling pretty intimidated right about then, but I managed to stare at him right back. No way did I want him to see what was really going on underneath the surface. Please, oh please, let me do this project. I was a dumb-ass for trying to shake you down for more, but, come on, you seemed so anxious to get this project up off the ground, so I just thought that you would pay any amount. God knows you can afford it.
    I realized that I was holding my breath, and that he was still wordlessly staring at me. Finally, he pushed the book over to me. “Okay. My secretary will send over a contract. You can start tomorrow.”
    I felt like pumping my fist in the air. Oh my god. I’m going to make more money off of this one project than I made all last year on my art. I might even be able to quit the bar, although that was unlikely. One project does not a career make. I had to remind myself of this.
    “Cool,” I sai d. “Are you going to contact the subject, or should I?”
    “I will,” he said. “I’ll send her over to your art studio in the morning. You do have an art studio?”
    I nodded my head. Of course I did. Such as it was. It really was an abandoned warehouse where I believe that I had obtained squatting rights. I really never used it, though, as I couldn’t ever afford to actually hire models to paint. Until now, that is. Really, I should have taken some of that $10,000 and invested in a better studio to paint this woman, but there wasn’t time to do all that before the project would have begun. And, it didn’t seem that any of that money would be provided to me in advance. I didn’t ask, but I would imagine that to be the case. So, she was just going to have to meet me in the abandoned warehouse. Thank god I was able to actually supply a generator so that there was some kind of electricity flowing through.
    He was staring at me again. Really, he was a fucking weirdo, the way that he was staring all the time. But I soon realized that he wanted information, and that staring was his way of conveying this. Lucky me, I caught on quickly.
    “Oh, you want the address to my studio, don’t you?” I asked him.
    “Yes. Please supply this.”
    “Okay,” I said, feeling foolishly underprepared. “Could you get your secretary in here to write it down? I forgot to bring a pen and paper.”
    He sighed, and pushed his finger on the button of the phone. “Amelia, could you please come in here. And bring a pen and paper.”
    He hung up and stared at me some more. This time, I didn’t try to stare back. I was sick and tired of him intimidating me in such a way.
    Amelia appeared at the door, pen and paper in hand. Blake said nothing to her, but, rather, communicated with a silent gesture in my direction. She understood, for she approached me and gave me the materials that she had brought in. “Here, Mr. Roberts,” she said.
    “Thanks,” I said, and then scribbled the address on there. She gave him the piece of paper, and he nodded.
    “ I will send Ms. Gallagher this address with instructions to meet you tomorrow morning at 8,” he said.
    “Cool,” I said.
    “Do not be late,” he warned me. “She’ll see you
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