Fated Absolution

Fated Absolution Read Online Free PDF

Book: Fated Absolution Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: paranormal romance;Romance, Aaron’s Kiss
bones, bones, bones! Well, I guess it’s safe to assume you didn’t hurt your hand.
    Let me go, that fucking hurts!”
    Maddy started smacking him with her other hand. If he didn’t let her go soon, she’d have a broken wrist on top of everything else.
    “You hit me…you tried to kill me, well it won’t work. It won’t be that easy. And you are not going anywhere. I need help.”
    The man’s voice was deep and had an accent that made her spine tingle. But that didn’t make her any less pissed off at the stupid man.
    “Really? Could have fooled me! I don’t know why I didn’t think the puddle of blood you’re lying in was an indicator of that fact. Dumb ass.” She began searching his pants pockets, then his shirt.
    “What the fuck are you doing now, looking for a place to stick a knife? My wallet is in my back pocket. Want me to roll over for you so you can rob me easier?”
    She noticed that accent again and the fact that it got stronger the madder he got. She was sorely tempted to really make him mad to see if he’d slip into the language that he was falling slowly back into.
    “Look you overgrown prick, do you see a knife? I’m looking for a phone. I need to call you an ambulance. I have insurance, not great insurance, but I have enough to cover your injuries; at least I hope I do provided you don’t linger in a vegetative state for too long. For just another limb and maybe my left eye I suppose I could have had really good insurance, but silly me, I thought that eating would be more beneficial.” She snorted as she was still patting him down when he grabbed her other hand.
    “You’re weird. No, no ambulance and no police. I’ll be fine in a few minutes.” He said to her still holding onto her hand. He had laid his head back onto the pavement and closed his eyes.
    Maddy looked at him, what else did she have to do when he was holding her hands hostage. His hair was a very dark black, almost blue, it was so shiny. His face was tense now, probably from pain, but no less handsome, a jaw that screamed to be caressed, a nose that was narrow and straight. His mouth was full and sensual, sexy and…holy shit, back up girl. Where the heck had that come from? Picking up their conversation where he’d stop talking she went on.
    “Oh. Well of course you will. How stupid of me to be concerned. Well, if you’re sure, I’ll take my leave while you bleed to death in the middle of the road. Stop being a macho jackass and let me call someone for you.”
    She struggled in vain to get her hands free, but he just tightened his grip. Her moan of pain stopped him short. It was then that he looked at her.

    “You are not going to claim that I did that to you. I do not beat stupid women. I know how your types of women are. Well, you won’t get a dime out of me.” His voice sounded so bored as if dealing with her ‘type’ happened to him every day.
    Maddy stared at him for all of twenty seconds and jerked her hands from him, his nails tearing into her tender flesh. She stood, staggered for a moment and hobbled back to her car. She was trying her best not to cry. She hurt everywhere. Her nose was still bleeding. Her new pants and shirt were ruined and she had an appointment she was going to be late for. Before she got inside her car, he was already getting in the passenger side. She looked back to where he’d just been to her car again. S heesh! He could really move fast. Shi t! Now he was getting into her car.
    Oh no. No, no he was not.
    “What do you think you’re doing? Get out of my car, you maniacal bastard! Get out right now.
    He just ignored her and climbed in. He had to adjust the seat as far back as it would go and then he was still squashed in there like he was a sardine. She knew she couldn’t make him budge. She was surprised that he’d even been able to get up. Maddy would have sworn he was hurt really bad. She just got into the driver’s side and started the engine. She resolved to not speak to him
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