
Fated Read Online Free PDF

Book: Fated Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sarah Alderson
the apocalyptic vision of the future, which I'm still not sure that I'm buying, but you still haven't explained why they want me. What did I do?'
    'You didn't do anything. It's what you might do. One day.'
    Evie looked at him, confused. 'What might I do?'
    He paused, pressing his lips together. 'You're a Hunter,' he said finally, 'and their job is to wipe out all Hunters.'
    Evie bit her lip. Then stood up. 'So I'm a Hunter?'
    Victor looked at her. 'Yes.'
    'Don't I get a say in this?' she demanded. 'I don't want to be a Hunter. I just want to be a waitress,' she saw his sceptical look and hastened to finish her sentence, 'for now, anyway. Then I'm going to New York to study and I'm never coming back here as long as I live. I don't want to know about the world you're telling me about and I certainly don't want a career hunting down any of the psychos who came after me tonight. I do not have a death wish.'
    Victor waited until she'd finished, his expression unmoved. 'I'm sorry, Evie,' he said. He didn't sound very sorry. 'You don't get to choose. None of us do. You're a Hunter. That's just how it is.'
    'You can't tell me who I am.'
    Victor hesitated. His voice dropped. 'But it's who you are. Your real name is Evie Hunter. It's the name your parents gave you. Your real parents, that is.'
    Evie's mouth dropped open. Then, finally finding her voice, she said, 'My parents? You knew my parents?'
    'I knew them, yes. We placed you with Monica and Ed Tremain when you were eighteen months old. They adopted you having no idea who you were.'
    It was as if her heart rocketed through the atmosphere and then came crashing back to earth in a million little pieces. She'd never thought she'd know anything about her real parents. She'd just been abandoned as far as she knew and then adopted when she was tiny. But now she had a name. But why had Victor said he knew them? Why had he used the past tense?
    'They died when you were about a year old,' Victor said, seeing the question rise on her lips.
    It took the wind out of her.
    'I was about twenty, I suppose,' he carried on. 'We - the other Hunters - tried to look after you for a while, but it didn't work. You can't fight Unhumans and make play dates at the same time. We found you a safe place to grow up. A normal home, with normal parents. Somewhere we thought they wouldn't find you.'
    Evie was sitting again. She didn't remember sitting. How had she made her legs move? They were dead. Nothing else had registered after that.
    'How did they die?' she whispered.
    Victor held her gaze. 'The Brotherhood, of course. The Brotherhood killed them.'


    Lucas was watching Caleb's tail swish back and forth and weighing up whether he was quick enough to sneak up on him, take his damn tail and wrap it around his neck, when Grace let out an audible sigh in his direction.
    'You are quick enough but you'll still end up over there on the ground with one hand sliced open,' she said.
    Lucas stared at her carefully and considered his options. He wasn't sure he wanted to risk spilling his blood with a Thirster in the room. He was half human so his blood might not be as appealing as a full Shadow Warrior's, but he didn't want to risk it. He knew the oath they'd all sworn might not stand up under such temptation. He crossed his arms over his chest and went back to leaning against the wall, his eyes on the clock.
    'So, Grace, you manage to do your psychic routine here, now, but you can't haul it out of the bag when we're sneaking up on a Hunter?'
    Lucas turned his head to look in the direction of the speaker. Shula was standing in front of Grace with her hands on her hips, letting everyone know, in her usual subtle way, exactly what she was feeling.
    'I got shot because of you.'
    'Hey, what about me?' Joshua's thin voice piped up. 'I got fried - look.' He held out his arm, which looked like it had been blended on high speed, and waved it in her face.
    Shula ignored him. She'd showered the coffee grinds out of her hair
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