Fatal Pursuit (The Aegis Series)

Fatal Pursuit (The Aegis Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Fatal Pursuit (The Aegis Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elisabeth Naughton
    “Gracias,” she said as she turned for the stairs that led to the rooms. “I appreciate your help.”
    The room was nothing special. A double bed with a lime-green comforter, scuffed nightstand and side chair, and pink stucco walls. A freeway motel in the States, but down here, probably high-end luxury. After dropping her gear on the bed, she freshened up, grabbed her key and some cash, and headed out to find Ronan.
    The first three cantinas were busts. Too nice, too clean, and filled with people who were way too normal. The minute she walked up to the fourth, though, she knew she’d hit the jackpot.
    The tiny cantina sat on a side street off the beaten path. Litter was pushed up along the sidewalk outside, heavy smoke seeped from the open door, and raucous laughter echoed from inside. As she stepped through the doorway and paused to let her eyes adjust to the lack of light, she heard Jake’s voice in the back of her head telling her she was being supremely stupid by not only traveling to Colombia alone, but walking into a place like this by herself. But she ignored it. Just as she’d ignored every other time her conscience had taken on Jake’s voice as she’d been planning and executing this trip.
    Conversation died down the minute she stepped into the room, and every patron turned to look her way. A trio of hardened, fifty-something Latino men sat at a small table. Two soldiers decked out in military green from head to toe with automatic weapons slung over their backs were bellied up to the bar. A kid who looked no more than twelve moved around behind the counter filling drinks.
    There wasn’t a single female in the room. And the way every man stared at her as if she were fresh meat made the hairs on her neck stand straight with both fear and doubt.
    A voice cleared to her left. Marley glanced in that direction, then exhaled a long breath when she saw the figure sitting in the shadows, his hand wrapped around a glass on the table, his bright-blue eyes narrowed on her.
    The fear slid to the wayside. She ignored the attention from the other men in the bar, headed toward the corner, then stopped in front of his table. “Couldn’t just pick a normal restaurant, could you?”
    Ronan Hamilton lifted the whiskey in his hand and took a sip. Ice clinked in the inch of amber liquid as he set the glass back down. “Nope.”
    Marley pulled out a chair and sat across from him. “When did you get here?”
    He didn’t move from his position—kicked back in his seat, head tipped to the side, eyes sharp and assessing as he glanced toward the door. “Late last night.”
    “That was fast.”
    The kid behind the bar moved up on Marley’s right. He held a dishtowel in one hand, and an apron was tied around his waist. Startled, Marley looked up. This close she could see he was older than she’d originally thought, but not by much. And the fact he stood there without saying anything creeped her out.
    She held up one finger. “Uno cerveza.”
    Ronan lifted his drink. “Otra para. Y uno, mi amigo.”
    The kid turned and left. In the silence, Ronan lifted his glass and threw back the rest of his drink. “I was in Cartagena when you called.”
    “The call said Memphis.”
    He shrugged. “I have my calls rerouted. Not smart to let too many people know where I am at any one time.”
    Marley nodded. She knew the way he worked. Here one day, gone the next. What the clerk at the hotel had missed was the fact he was former military and spent most of his life flying under the radar.
    She studied him across the table. A dark-blond beard covered his jaw. He’d added a new scar along the right side of his temple since the last time she’d seen him, but other than that he looked the same. Dressed in jeans, boots, and a khaki button-down that was rolled at his forearms and damp around the collar, it was easy to see he was still as big and muscular as always. Still hard and edgy from his travels. And his striking blue eyes were
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