Fast Connection (Cyberlove #2)

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Book: Fast Connection (Cyberlove #2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Megan Erickson
bitter old gay who resented the young men I liked in my bed. Which was fucked up. Anonymous hookups were my way of keeping it simple. Sure, it was lonely sometimes, but I hadn’t met anyone who was worth changing my life for, and I didn’t plan to make an effort to do so. I chose lonely because I’d been there, done that with the alternative.
    The self-resolve lasted for a couple of moments before I found myself opening Grindr. I ignored a message that came through and opened the conversation with Dominic. I laughed at his message about not being able to take a picture of his ass and face at the same time and studied his picture until it began to feel creepy.
    I closed out the app and tossed my phone on the table so hard it clattered off the edge and onto the floor. I didn’t bother checking to see if the screen cracked. I kind of hoped it did, because something told me that was the only way to keep myself from looking at Dominic’s picture again and again.

Chapter Three
    Garrett definitely was not going to be my gay best friend. In fact, the guy was coming real close to being unfollowed and unfriended. Full stop.
    I’d called him twelve times following the hookup with Luke, and he’d not even bothered to text me to ask what the hell I wanted. There was too much rejection going on in the span of three days, and it was hard to swallow after twenty-seven years of me being a fucking stud.
    Luke hadn’t just dismissed me from his house, he’d been sort of a dick about it. I wrote off that parting kiss because I was pretty sure I’d only gotten it due to being kissable in general. Not because he actually liked me. Not that he had reason to like me. We’d barely spoken or exchanged names. Then I’d raided his kitchen without permission, but my stomach had been growling like a beast and I’d sort of expected a round two.
    Was this how hookups went with two guys? I tried to think about how I’d treated females I’d hooked up with in the past, and a cold sweat broke out on my forehead. I was almost positive I’d never kicked a girl out of my space the way Luke had done to me, but… had my goodbyes come off that way? The possibility alone had me feeling like an asshole.
    Monday morning at Hot Bagels was the busiest time of the week, and I spent it slicing meat, making breakfast sandwiches, and, between customers, jotting down names on a piece of receipt paper. When we finally slowed down around nine o’clock, my sister Adriana snatched it up.
    “Sinae, Krystal, Amburlee, Georgiana, Stephanie Z, Stephanie Q… Nicky, what the hell is this?”
    I glared at her over the counter. “A list. Give it back and go to school. You’re late.”
    “There’s no school today, numbnut.”
    “What? Why not?”
    “We get off for Jewish holidays. Duh.” Adriana’s eyes skimmed to the bottom of the list. She flipped it over, and one golden brow arched way up. “Please tell me these are not chicks you’ve slept with.”
    “It’s a start,” I said testily. “I can’t remember some of them.”
    “Holy shit, dude, that is an insane amount of women!” She was giving me the illest stank face I’d ever seen on someone outside of Garrett. “You’re so shady.”
    “How am I shady?”
    “I don’t know, but that’s over the top.” She dropped the list on the counter as if it had tainted her fingers. “Are you trying to get an accurate count on your number, or what?”
    “No.” I shoved the list in my pocket and went back to wiping down the equipment. “I’m trying to make sure I wasn’t a jerk to any of them after handling business.”
    “Handling business.”
Adriana’s face got stanker. She pulled her hoodie over her head as if it would shield her from my shadiness. It was a
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hoodie, which just made me think of Luke. “How are we related? You must have had fifty girlfriends by the time you graduated from high school, and I’ve never dated anyone at all!”
    “Three things.”
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