Family Betrayal

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Book: Family Betrayal Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kitty Neale
    Bob shook his head. No, he was being stupid. He didn't want Sue to be like his mother, or Yvonne, who looked like a cold fish to him. Sue was a cracker, a real goer who liked nothing better than a bit of slap and tickle. He worried sometimes when he saw her looking at Danny, and now he ran a hand through his wispy, brown hair. He hated it, wishing it was thick and dark like Danny's. He envied his brother his height too. Though he had a similar, beefy build, he was a good four inches shorter. He was sure that Sue fancied Danny, and no wonder, but he made sure he kept her happy in bed, well satisfied, something that took a bit of doing at times. Yes, she was a goer all right, but if Danny so much as looked at her the wrong way …
    An early customer broke Bob out of his reveries, and then a couple more turned up before he saw his father's car pulling into the yard. As Dan Draper climbed out, Bob frowned, noticing that his father was showing his age. His large build still looked intimidating, but there was a slight stoop to his shoulders and a beer belly hung over his trousers. Blimey, when did he get old? He knew his father wanted to retire and was salting cash away by taking the biggest cut, but unless they drew in more money, his retirement would be a long way off.
    ‘Morning, Robert. Are the others here?’
    ‘No, you're the first to show,’ Bob replied, wishinghis father wouldn't call him by his full name, but knowing better than to complain.
    ‘Shit. This meeting was Danny's idea so he'd better show his face soon. There's racing at Sandown and I want to be away by one o'clock.’
    Bob hid a smile. So, the number-one son was in his father's bad books. Good. ‘What has Danny got in mind?’
    A black Jaguar screeched into the yard, cutting off his father's answer. Danny climbed out of the car, his face dark with annoyance as he walked towards them. ‘I told Yvonne I had to get up this morning, but the silly cow forgot to wake me.’
    ‘Another late night, was it?’ Bob asked, hoping to stir trouble.
    Danny ignored him, saying only, ‘I'm sorry I'm late, Dad.’
    Dan wrapped an arm around his son's shoulder. ‘Never mind. You're here now, and I'd like to go over the finer details of this plan before the others arrive.’
    They moved away and Bob followed, but he was halted in his tracks when his father said, ‘Look after the business for now. We'll shut up shop as soon as the other boys arrive.’
    Bob stayed behind, inwardly seething. It was always the same. Danny and his father were thick as thieves, whilst the rest of them were left out of the loop until they were good and ready to allowthem in. Bob chewed on his lower lip, wondering why his father was blind to Danny's faults. All right, they were all villains, but Danny was more than that. He was a nasty piece of work and a womaniser, but so far had been clever enough to keep his antics from their father.
    As Bob walked behind the counter he was wondering if he should put his father in the picture, but then shivered. No, if Danny found out he'd opened his mouth, he'd go ballistic. And you didn't upset Danny, even if he was your brother, not if you wanted to stay in one piece.
    Dan sat behind an old desk that was littered with paperwork, receipts, and an ashtray overflowing with dog-ends. ‘Your mother would have a fit if she saw the state of this office. Mind you, it's just as well that she stays out of the way or we'd never find a thing. Make the tea, son, and then tell me more about this plan of yours.’
    Danny junior switched on the kettle, then eagerly launched straight into his plan. ‘There's more money to be made if we diversify into hard porn, a lot more.’
    ‘Yeah, you told me, but have you thought about the risks? If we muscle in on that side of the business we'd be treading on Garston territory, for one thing.’
    ‘We can deal with Jack Garston.’
    ‘I ain't so sure. If the money's as big as you say, he ain't gonna take a competitor
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