Fallocaust (The Fallocaust Series)

Fallocaust (The Fallocaust Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Fallocaust (The Fallocaust Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Quil Carter
stayed behind to distribute the meat from this week’s rations, and was nice enough to set some aside for me and Killian. The three of us were now on top of the concrete area of the gate, looking down at the beasts that were the deacons.
    The beasts’ heads would come up to your chest in height if you actually got a chance to compare their size to yours. They were mostly grey in colour, though a few of them were lighter, and a few black, all with sporadic patches of hair on their bodies. All the radiated animals had trouble keeping fur on their bodies, they were mostly covered in scabs and thick scars from scratching their irritated (and irradiated) skin. I had never seen any animal besides the block’s cats and the crossbred deacdogs that didn’t have this problem, the radiation was fucking horrible on all the surviving creatures,
    “Well, Killian,” Greyson said with an encouraging smile. “I’ll open the gate to let the deacons into the feeding pen, your job is to remove the wooden barrier and kick the rats into the pen. Reaver can watch you.”
“Seems... simple enough,” the boy said slowly but he sounded unsure. I smiled, I liked hearing how motivated he was to learn shit around here finally, thought he was going to be a useless book head forever.
I watched carefully as Killian removed the wooden plank that blocked off the gaping hole in the concrete barrier. There was a four foot high barrier of medians and pavement slabs that topped off all of the concrete walls of Aras. It kept the brats from falling into the deacons’ territory and it made a perfect rest for when you had to snipe someone; it also made a good shield as well.
    He grabbed one of the binds of the first rat and shoved him towards the hole. The rat started screaming of course, jabbering in his gibberish language. He was blindfolded, gagged and bound, but his ears still worked and I knew he could hear the dogs below him.
Killian dropped him right by the hole in the wall, and started to savagely shove the rat through the hole with his foot, wasn’t doing a half bad job of it either.
    We were all used to dealing with the sub humans, but some people had more trouble feeding the deacons than others. They still resembled us in some ways, and it did make some of the more cowardly weak people uncomfortable.
I watched as the rat dropped to the ground with a sickening thunk, and as he moaned and twisted around I could hear the rusty screech of the gate open.
    As the decons charged towards the rat, the other one, a female, dropped on top of him.
The deacons made short work of them. They barely had time enough to piss themselves before the whole pack descended like flies on honey.
    In a flash the rats were dismembered and each dog who had gotten a limb had run out of the feeding pen back into their main territory. The others that remained were chewing on the rest of the carcasses, snarling and snapping at each other.
I heard Killian shudder, from the corner of my eye I could see him looking away from the carnage. I kept watching, I found it entertaining for some reason. Yes, I know I’m sick in the head, but I had seen countless people and animals being torn apart and it didn’t bother me like it did some people. I don’t remember a time where it did bother me. I’m sure Greyson and Leo probably have memories of me being a blood soaked two year old laughing at the rats’ throats being ripped out.
    I still laugh at that.
“Thanks for the help, Reaver,” Greyson said behind me.
    I looked up from the feeding pen and started following him down the ramp to the main road. By this time the people of Aras had started to gather around the truck, waiting to get their meat handouts. I didn’t like being around a lot of people so I grabbed my ration of meat and started heading down the road to my house.
Once again, my senses honed on Killian. A part of me wanted to run up to him and ask him what he thought of his first time feeding the deacons, but I
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