Fake Boyfriend - Kate Brian

Fake Boyfriend - Kate Brian Read Online Free PDF

Book: Fake Boyfriend - Kate Brian Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kate Brian
and change our lives forever," Lane recited automatically.

    "Oh. Y eah. That would suck," Vivi replied, looking irritated that Lane actually made some sense. "Whatever--back to Isabelle. What are we going to do?"

    "I don't know," Lane said lightly. She knew better than to encourage Vivi. If she did, this rant might sooner or later become an actual plan, and Lane knew from experience that Vivi's plans rarely worked out for the best. But sometimes, if she was lucky, Vivi would just babble with no direction until she tired herself out and the whole thing would come to nothing.


    Lane had already navigated to her in-box and was psyched to see a message from SurfBoy07 at the top of the list. He was supposed to be critiquing her last painting. SurfBoy07 was an art student from California whom she'd met months ago on the site. After a few IM conversations, they had realized they both harbored a love of art and a need for unbiased feedback from someone outside their regular classes. They had started sending jpegs of their work back and forth, and Lane felt that her painting had much improved, thanks to his comments. She crossed her fingers for luck and clicked his message.

    "Oh! Maybe we could find a way to make Shawn totally unappealing to her," Vivi continued, pushing herself off her bed to start pacing again. "I mean, the guy is hot--I'll give him that. Maybe that's how Izzy sees past all the other crap, right? Maybe we should break into his house and shave his head!"

    "I draw the line at breaking and entering," Lane said as she read through SurfBoy07's message.

    Hey Penny Lane,

    This painting is amazing. Y use of shading and shadow has


    improved dramatically. Really. Y best work yet. Would it be


    lame to admit I'm jealous?


    chand SB07

    Lane's heart expanded, and she could barely contain a grin. This was exactly the message she'd been hoping for. Her best work yet. SurfBoy07 was in a real art program at a great school. If he loved it, then it would have to earn an A.


    "Whoa. Who's that?" Vivi stopped and stared over Lane's shoulder. Lane glanced at SurfBoy07's picture. With his sun- kissed good looks and friendly smile, he was rather Oakleyicious.

    "He's just a MySpace friend of mine," Lane said, trying to contain her critique-related glee so that Vivi wouldn't grill her about it. "He's an artist. We chat sometimes."

    "Omigod. There's no way that's his real picture," Vivi said. She reached around Lane's back and grabbed the mouse, scrolling quickly down SurfBoy's page. "He totally stole that off the Hollister website or something."

    "No, he didn't. I asked about the picture. That's totally him," Lane protested.

    "No way." Vivi stood up straight. "No real guy is that hot." "Do you have any idea how insane you sound? Somebody is that hot because that picture is of somebody," Lane told her.

    "Well, it's not SurfBoy07. No one that gorgeous has time to be on MySpace," Vivi said. "Sorry to tell you this, Lane, but he has to be a fake."

    Vivi scoffed, like Lane was ridiculous, and paced away. Lane's heart hurt. Why did Vivi have to tear her down like that? Couldn't Lane ever be right about anything?

    "Wait a minute! That's it!" Vivi announced suddenly.

    All the tiny hairs on the back of Lane's neck stood on end. "What? What's it?"

    "A fake!" Vivi whirled around, her eyes bright. She grabbed the arms of the chair and twirled Lane toward her. "We'll


    make up a guy for Isabelle on MySpace! Someone who will totally take her mind off that skeezoid Sluttig."

    Lane's skin tightened as her entire body filled with dread. Crap. Crappity crap crap. "What?"

    "Come on! Who knows Isabelle better than we do? We can make up her perfect guy," Vivi said, clasping her hands together. "We can make him a little bit dangerous, you know, because we know she likes that. But we can also give him a life! Make him interesting! Shawn's only interests are smoking, playing three chords on his guitar, and being
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