
Faithful Read Online Free PDF

Book: Faithful Read Online Free PDF
Author: Louise Bay
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary
normal work appearance.
    “You won’t need luck. You’ve worked hard and you’re a natural.”
    We had a dress rehearsal that morning and then bundled into a cab to the client’s offices at Canary Wharf at just after 1 p.m.
    I was high on adrenaline on the cab ride back. It had all gone exceptionally well, and David and George, the other partner giving the presentation, thought we had a great shot at landing the client.
    “You did an excellent job, Leah. Have a word with marketing and make sure you get another pitch lined up. We need to make the most of you. I could see they really responded when you spoke.”
    “Thank you so much, both of you. It’s really great to have this opportunity.” I wasn’t sure either of them heard me; their heads were buried in their Blackberries.
    I checked my personal email for any messages from Daniel , but there was nothing. Perhaps he’d forgotten.
    Because of the rehearsals and preparation for the presentation, I was really behind with my work, so the rest of the afternoon sped by as I endeavored to catch up. At 6:45 p.m. I closed my programs, logged off, and went to the bathroom to reapply my makeup and calm my increasing nervousness.
    Should I wait downstairs? Would he email me when he arrived? Perhaps he’d just forgotten. I decided to wait at my desk. At 7 p.m. exactly, my office phone rang and I jumped out of my skin.
    “Leah, I have a Mr. Armitage in reception for you.”
    Well , this was it. I went to replace the receiver, but just before I hung up, I heard the receptionist say, “Leah?” I hadn’t responded.
    “ Thanks, I’ll be right down.”

Chapter Three
    As I walked out of the elevator, I saw him ahead of me; his back—his broad back—was turned to me and he was leafing through the firm marketing materials that were set out in reception. As I came through the turnstiles, he turned around and caught me staring. His gaze bore right into me.
    I vaguely heard someone on reception wish me good night , but I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t take my eyes off the man in front of me. The videos I watched of him didn’t properly show how tall and physically imposing he was. He must be around six-foot-four. He was wearing a luxurious dark navy suit that covered his powerful body. I was semi-aware of people coming in and out of the entrance doors, but somehow our connected gaze blunted my hearing and vision of everything else around me.
    As I got nearer to him , the corners of his mouth turned up and I couldn’t help but smile right back at him. When he was close enough to touch, I stopped and just stared at him. His eyes were still as I remembered, hypnotizing, but there was something behind them now that there wasn’t when he was younger. Strength and power, for sure. But a hint of sadness, also. His jaw was achingly strong; I fought my instinct to reach up and stroke it, to run my finger over his beautiful lips.
    “Hey , stranger,” he whispered without taking his eyes off me. I felt a current of desire go through me and I closed my eyes in a long blink.
    “Hey stranger , yourself,” I whispered back.
    We stood there for what seemed like hours, smiling and staring at each other. I lost any concept of time and place. I just wanted to stand there and drink him in; he was intoxicating.
    “I have a car waiting outside. Let’s go,” he said. He rested his hand in the small of my back and I felt that current of desire go through me again like an electric charge and I gasped, my lips parted and I looked away, breaking the gaze between us. I was embarrassed that my body gave me away so easily. I looked toward the doors and just nodded and he led me to the car.
    I was in trouble.
    I slid into the backseat and tried to compose myself as he came around to the opposite side and slid in beside me.
    “How was your day?” he asked. I looked down and away from his intense stare, thinking I might be able to form a sentence if I wasn’t looking into those eyes. But
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