Fair Catch

Fair Catch Read Online Free PDF

Book: Fair Catch Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cindy Roland Anderson
she had expected. “Are you sure you trust me?” Ellie was cursed when it came to making bread.
    Betsy grinned. “You get the easy part. It’s a small loaf so bake it for fifty-five minutes.” She glanced at the clock. “I just have to run a quick errand. I should be back right as it’s done.”
    “Okay.” Ellie took the pan. “But if something happens to it, don’t blame me.”
    Betsy waved. “Nothing will happen. I’ll be back soon.”
    After closing the door, Ellie went back to the kitchen and preheated the oven. She resisted the temptation to snitch a piece of the dough and finished making the pancakes. A few minutes later, Cade stumbled into the kitchen as she slid the loaf of bread in the oven and set the timer. In his pajamas, he still looked like such a little boy. “Hey, sweetie. Did you have a good sleep?”
    Cade yawned. “Uh huh.” He climbed up onto a barstool. “I’m hungry.”
    Her mouth curled into a smile as she lovingly placed a plate of hotcakes in front of him. Anticipating his next request, she gave him his SpongeBob cup filled with strawberry milk. This was about the only time of the day Cade was docile. Once the sugar hit his blood stream, he would be off and running.
    The aroma of the baking bread permeated the air. If Betsy didn’t return in time, Ellie wouldn’t be able to resist cutting a slice. The tantalizing smell let her know it wasn’t wheat bread, but Betsy’s famous apple-cinnamon bread. It was actually a blessing Ellie couldn’t bake bread—she loved it and would be as big as a barn if she could make the stuff.
    But then again, maybe not. She did chase after a four-year-old until the sun went down.
    * * *
    Nick pumped the iron weights, his muscles straining with each rep. After possibly the worst night’s sleep in his life, he got up early to set up his gym. He hoped the workout would get his mind off of the woman with the blonde curls.
    It was working…until he thought about her again and how unfair the whole thing was. The sooner he officially met her—and her husband—the better off he would be. If not, he might have to resort to selling his house.
    He shook his head and growled as he started another set of reps. What was wrong with him, anyway? This move had completely unsettled him. For one thing, he felt more anxiety than his first live professional football game. He really needed to plan a party before he begged his mother to come visit him.
    When his arms felt like they were going to burst, he placed the bar on the bracket and sat up. A trickle of sweat rolled down the side of his face as he grabbed a hand towel and wiped his forehead.
    He stood up and drained the last of his water bottle. The liquid did very little to alleviate the hollow feeling in his stomach. Today he needed to figure out a way to get a few groceries. In California, he had them delivered to his house which helped him avoid the long delays from signing autographs. Hopefully he could set up the same kind of thing here.
    After showering, Nick dressed and went downstairs. Just as he opened his laptop to search for a local grocery store, the doorbell chimed. Since he didn’t know anyone other than the Stewarts, he hoped it was Betsy bringing him something to eat.
    He swung open the door and felt his heart slam against his chest wall. The breathtaking mother of Cade stood on his doorstep, holding her son’s hand. Betsy was next to her grasping a loaf of bread that smelled unbelievably good.
    Recognition dawned in the younger woman’s blue-green eyes. Was it from last night or was she a fan?
    “Nick, you remember Cade?” Betsy grinned and pulled the woman forward. “This is his mother, Ellie Garrett.”
    Ellie stared at him but didn’t say anything. Betsy nudged her in the arm. “Say hello to Nick Coulter.”
    Ellie pressed her lips together, studying him through somewhat narrowed eyes. He tried not to smile at her reaction. Usually when people met him, they were either stunned and
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