Fae Street

Fae Street Read Online Free PDF

Book: Fae Street Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anjela Renee
“Are you making dinner?”
    “No. Blake is cooking tonight. He loves to cook and I love to eat.”
    “Who is he? Are the two of you…?” Richard made a gesture that didn’t impress his grandmother.
    “Richard, I am your grandmother and not a horny teenager.”
    “Grandma, you look like you’re thirty years old. I don't expect you to be celibate.”
    “The truth is I don't know. He was a bounty hunter lurking outside your house a few months ago. He was looking for Cam, your mate. She was a wanted woman not long ago. Anyway, I had him brought here and he never wanted to leave. And I like the company.”
    Blake walked into the living room wearing a pink apron over his clothes and Richard stifled a laugh. Liana scowled at her grandson and he immediately stopped.
    “Dinner is ready, Liana. Are you hungry?” Blake asked.
    Richard noticed the way the man looked at his grandmother. He didn't trust the mean looking, green haired Fae, but he looked at his grandmother with adoration.
    “I'm starving,” Richard replied. He walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. It was a small eat-in kitchen and the table was set perfectly with the food already waiting to be served.
    Liana smiled and sat next to Blake. Blake sat, still wearing a frilly apron. His green hair seemed to sparkle.
    “So, Blake,” Richard began with his mouth full of food, “you got the hots for my granny?”
    “Very much,” Blake answered, taking Liana's hand. “She is my world, but she has not accepted me yet. She won’t even consider me, but I hope to change her mind.”
    Liana smiled back at Blake and then began filing up plates and passing them around. Richard dove right into his food. Spaghetti and garlic bread, with a side of Caesar salad. It had been awhile since Richard had a good solid meal. He mostly hunted in cat form—small birds sometimes an occasional squirrel.
    “I appreciate everything you’re doing for me, Grandma. I was starting to think I would be spending the rest of my days alone in the swamp. No offense,” he added.
    Blake shrugged his shoulders. “None taken. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. This is my home.”
    Richard was silent. He wasn't sure what to make of Blake. Well, at least when it came to his grandmother.
    Liana spoke up finally, breaking the silence. “I have made a decision. I will return to the other realm and meet with Lachlan. I hope between the two of us we can get this sorted out.” Then she went back to her food like it was no big deal.
    “You can't, Liana. It's too dangerous,” Blake said adamantly.
    “Blake, we talked about this already. I need to go alone. I won't be gone very long and I know Lachlan won't let anyone hurt me. He is the father of my only daughter.”
    “I should go with you, as back up.”
    “Blake, I am not sure what you think about me, but I am capable of taking care of myself.” Liana slammed her fork on the table and stood up and quickly walked away. He head held high and directed one last scowl at Blake.
    “She’s pissed,” Richard said with a mouth full of spaghetti.
    Richard looked over at Blake. Blake looked shaken and left to chase after Liana.

Chapter 9
    Alexa returned home to her small cottage after her encounter with Kieran. They didn't exactly like each other, but the sex was nice. She sat in her window seat and began reading her book but couldn't concentrate. She looked over at her son with contempt. She felt nothing. He was a mistake she wished she could chuck him down the well, but knew she would never get away with it. She only wished she would have aborted him. She thought perhaps in a few years she would be able to stage an accident; a fatal one where her precious son would perish. She couldn't help but laugh in delight at the prospect. Lyle looked up and smiled at Alexa. “What's funny, Mommy?”
    “Nothing. Go play and leave me alone.” Alexa walked away, deciding she needed to get away from her annoying son. Sitting in her bedroom alone,
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