Exile Hunter

Exile Hunter Read Online Free PDF

Book: Exile Hunter Read Online Free PDF
Author: Preston Fleming
Tags: Fiction, General, Thrillers
    When the session
finished, Denniston rose from the stuffed chair opposite Linder’s
bed as if to leave. But before he could offer any parting words,
Linder strode to the window, looked outside, then turned around to
address his colleague. “Listen, Neil,” he began. “I’ve been
feeling kind of strung out lately and I guess I haven’t recognized
just how far I’ve pushed my luck the last few years. I haven’t
told anyone else, but I have bad dreams most nights now and it’s
been hard to get enough sleep to stay on top of my game. I think my
body is telling me it’s time to back off a bit.”
    Linder watched for
Denniston’s reaction and, seeing his face become an expressionless
mask, decided to continue whether the Desk Chief liked it or not.
    “I think it may be
time for me to do a tour at Headquarters. But the idea has me a
little worried. Sometimes I get the sense that certain people back
there resent my staying out in the field so long and see me as a
pampered prima donna. I won’t name names, but I have it on good
authority that some of the people I’ve relied on for support may
have turned on me.”
    “And how would you
like me to help?” Denniston responded, folding his arms across his
chest and looking askance at Linder.
    “I’m not exactly
sure, but maybe you could sound out the powers-that-be about my
coming home short of tour,” Linder ventured.
    Denniston listened
quietly before crossing to the window and laying a cold hand on
Linder’s shoulder.
    “Believe me, Warren,”
he replied firmly. “I know exactly how you feel. But this is not
the time to throttle back. Our work isn’t done until we have
uprooted the last vestiges of the insurgency at home and flushed out
every last rebel financier hiding overseas.”
    Taken aback at such a
doctrinaire response from a fast-and-loose guy like Denniston, Linder
suppressed an urge to laugh.
    “Now, don’t get me
wrong, Neil,” he began with a conciliatory smile. “I don’t want
to come across as a shirker, but what you’re saying seems like an
awfully tall order. Eliminate all opposition at home and abroad? That
would take generations. Meanwhile, I need some R & R fast.”
    “It’s your choice,
pal,” Denniston answered. “I’ll see what I can do. But, right
now, we could really use your help in rolling up Old Man Eaton. Not
only is he an insurgent financier with enough money stashed away to
keep his pot boiling for years, but the old man is also a recognized
leader within the insurgent movement. It will be a major score to
roll him up and, when we do, you’ll own a piece of it.”
    “And how would that
work, exactly?” Linder questioned.
    “For one thing,
consider your next promotion in the bag. As it happens, I’ll be
sitting on your promotion panel this year. And if that’s not enough
to push you over the top, the Chief of Operations owes Bob some
favors. So, play ball with us a bit longer and you can have virtually
any slot you want when we’re done.”
    Linder returned
Denniston’s expectant gaze with a weary nod. “All right. I’ll
do my part if you do yours. Let’s get on with it,” he said. “
    “Good. Now, go as far
as you can with Eaton, but don’t overdo it,” Denniston warned.
“Better to return for another pass than scare him off.”
    Without bothering to
respond, Linder stepped to the nightstand, picked up the phone and
called the front desk for a taxi. A moment later, he turned to
    “Okay, I’m off. It
may be a few minutes before my ride comes, so please wait ten or
fifteen before going down. I don’t want the desk clerk to connect
    “Sure thing,”
Denniston answered after emptying his bottle of Perrier. “But there
is one more complication. The surveillance team reported this morning
that Roger didn’t come alone, after all. His wife and stepdaughter
are staying with him at the Sofitel. So far, they haven’t been to
Eaton’s apartment, but I thought you ought
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