time of day, let alone a second glance. He’d had a vision years earlier of a woman, his passionate mate. And here she sat flashing him with the most remarkable smile, an interesting attitude, and those bountiful breasts. Jesus, they’re so inviting. So soft. So sensuous. So in need of my undivided attentions. Lucian threaded his fingers together for fear he would actually reach out to fondle her without an actual invitation to do so.
Just the thought of Lucian... His name spelled divine. Oddly her breasts began to ache, her nipples firm and pressing free from the robe. When a cooler breeze hit her she glanced down. Her jaw dropped.
Out of the robe! For the love of God.
“Don’t get embarrassed, Serina. Casually look down and just tuck the only thing that’s bigger than your mouth back in its place. I realize ’tis the challenge of a lifetime you’ll spend eternity fighting.”
Lucian grinned. “Personally I think they’re beautiful and wouldn’t mind seeing them more often.”
Serina snapped her head up. “Excuse me?” Her eyes went wide, taking the man in. “Did you just see my—never mind that. Did you read my mind?”
“As much as I wish I could read minds, Serina, especially yours, I cannot. You just said all that nonsense out loud, luv. Once you’re all tucked back in, would you answer some questions for me? Need any help? Willing and able, at your service.”
I bet you’re able! The weight of his gaze as he sat back and stretched reminded her of a prowling cat, hungry to devour its prey . That , I imagine, would be a fancy feast!
“Lucian, let me start by telling you what happened here tonight and then see if you’ve any unanswered questions.”
Lucian interrupted, “I wish Raven would come out of her stupor. She’s had a little more drink than she’s used to tonight. She sleeps like the dead. This is rare for her. And where, in the name of God, is Duncan? Last time I saw him, he had enough coins in front of him to...He’s probably met some woman, or at least I hope he did. The man’s been to hell and back, but that’s a story for a different day.”
Lucian’s demeanor changed before her eyes. The smile—gone. His silver-blue eyes—the calm before the storm. “Is that what you think happened to you tonight?” She asked confused. Could the man honestly have no clue what happened to them? “Both you and your sister will be fine. Mr. Thomas is safe with my neighbor. Lucian, listen carefully to what I’m about to tell you. A vampire attacked you both. You were both in pretty rough shape. But tonight, Sir, was your lucky night, in more ways than one.”
Lucian glanced to his sister, then to Serina, studying her.
“Did you say ‘vampire’? How much spirits have you indulged in, Madam?”
Serina raised her voice, “Pardon me? Do not doubt me, Lord St. James. These creatures are very real and very deadly.”
Lucian gently brushed Raven’s bangs from her face. He tilted her head to the side and gasped upon seeing a large bloody bruise with two puncture wounds in her neck.
“She’s fine. Trust me.”
“Doesn’t look fine.” Lucian stared in disbelief. “You wouldn’t lie to me? Then why hasn’t she come round? A vampire you say?”
Serina continued, “She’s gaining her strength. I swear to you, I took care of her.” She leaned over and placed her hand atop his, hoping to calm him. She found the spark still there, ready to be rekindled as a warm pulse flowed between them. The look he gave her when the jolt shook his body almost made her laugh. “That’s a story for a different day, luv.” She smirked. “I gave you both a blood transfusion. She’ll likely require another one tomorrow. Theory has it that it takes three bites in a relatively short period of time to become an indentured servant to a vampire. All it takes is one nasty blood-drenching bite to become undead.” Serina poked his chest with her finger. “You came close. I put you back together again,