Ex and the Single Girl

Ex and the Single Girl Read Online Free PDF

Book: Ex and the Single Girl Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lani Diane Rich
Tags: Fiction, General
    “ So,” he said after a moment, breaking into my thoughts. “ What ’ s going to sound crazy?”
    I held up one index finger. “ I ’ ll be right back.”
    I turned and took a few steps, then looked back to see if he was watching me. He was, but he wasn ’ t watching my backside or my legs, the way men usually did when you walked away. His eyes were set on mine, as though he was trying to rea d me. I paused there, looking at him with probably the same expression of curiosity and surprise that he had. I held up my index finger again and continued over to Bev at the alcohol table.
    “ Gimme the Love Kit, lady,” I said, grinning at her. She raised an eyebrow at me and reached under the table, pulling out an oblong nylon pack and handing it to me.
    “ Moving fast with the Flyer, are we?” she asked.
    I smiled. “ Daylight ’ s burning.”
    She nodded. “ That it is, darlin ’ . That it is.”
    I headed back to Ian, being s ure to make meaningful eye contact with both Mags and Vera as I closed the space between us. Ian watched me as I walked toward him, and when I smiled, he returned volley. I stepped close to him and tucked my hand in his elbow, leading him through the thro n g of partygoers. I leaned my head toward his shoulder, speaking to him in muted tones as we walked toward the house.
    “ I have a favor to ask you,” I began. “ My family is a little on the eccentric side, as you might have guessed, and...”
    I swallowed. This ha d been much easier in front of the mirror this morning.
    Ian raised his eyebrows. “ And?”
    “ And... they actually tricked me into coming down here this summer for the express purpose of...” I paused, suddenly unhappy with the phrasing I ’ d rehearsed. I was only now realizing that it made me look just as crazy as the Mizzes. Crap. There was no saving my dignity now. I plowed on.
    “ They want me to sleep with you.”
    We both stopped walking and looked at each other. I swooped hair behind my ear, consciously recognizin g it as a nervous habit for the first time.
    “ Don ’ t worry,” I said. “ We don ’ t have to... I mean, that ’ s not what I ’ m proposing. I just need a favor.”
    His eyebrows knit as his smile quirked. He opened his mouth, closed it, shook his head. “ I ’ m not sure I und erstand what you ’ re asking.”
    I moved closer and lowered my voice. Ian ’ s dark eyes were locked on mine, darting back and forth, watching me intently as I spoke.
    “ See, they think I ’ m depressed over my breakup with Peter, and... well...” I sighed, regrouped, started again. “ You know how some women, when they ’ re depressed, they eat... or drink, or shop?”
    He nodded. I moved closer, unable to keep eye contact. His hand was on my elbow, pulling me to him, sending heat rushing to my spine.
    “ Well, the women in my fa mily Fly.” I squinched my eyes shut and barreled through the next part. “ That ’ s the term they use. It just means having great sex with a temporary man. And they picked you. For me. And all I need is for you to go inside with me and we can just talk or wha t ever, just long enough to... They just, they won ’ t leave me alone if they don ’ t think...” I trailed off, fighting an urge to burst into tears of fury. As bad as the epiphany had been, asking Ian Beckett to pretend to have sex with me was worse. Much, much worse.
    He pulled back from me, and when I got the courage to look in his eyes, he was smiling. He held out his elbow. “ Shall we?”
    I released a deep breath. “ Are you sure you don ’ t mind?”
    “ Not in the least,” he said, cupping my hand in the crook of his arm and leading me toward the house. “ It ’ s the best offer I ’ ve had in a long while.”
    We stepped into the house and I shut the back door behind us, pushing the curtain aside with my finger and seeing all eyes drift in our direction. Perfect.
    “ So, are all Americ an women crazy, or is it just the Fallon women?” Ian
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