Every Dawn Forever

Every Dawn Forever Read Online Free PDF

Book: Every Dawn Forever Read Online Free PDF
Author: R. E. Butler
taken care of.  Forever.
    * * * * *
    Orion’s hands clenched the steering wheel as he navigated the winding road.  It was raining heavily and clouds obscured the moon, making it pitch black except for the headlights.
    Sterling leaned up to his left and said in a low voice, “Are we cool?”
    “I can’t see a fucking thing,” Orion admitted.  “Crux, see if you can check a weather site and find out how long this damn storm is supposed to last.”
    Easing the car over to the shoulder, Orion put it in park and put on the emergency lights.  Turning slightly, he frowned as Sydney shrank against the side of the car, her whole body trembling.  “I’m just going to see about the weather, sweetheart,” he murmured, trying to sound as friendly as he could.
    Crux flashed the screen at Orion.  The storm wasn’t moving on anytime soon.  He didn’t feel comfortable driving now, but he didn’t know what else to do.
    “There’s a cabin nearby,” Crux said.
    “How the hell can you tell?”  Orion asked, peering out the front window.
    “I pulled up a map.  There’s a road about a mile ahead on the left, and the cabin is about two miles further down.  We could stop and ask for shelter until the storm passes.”
    Sterling growled unhappily.  Orion didn’t much like it either, but they sure as hell couldn’t stay on the side of the road all night waiting for the storm to pass.
    He looked at Sydney.  She seemed to be trying to make herself as small as possible, and it killed him.  He was tempted to touch her, to stroke his finger down her arm and clasp their hands together, but he had a feeling she’d jump right out of her skin.  “Sydney, are you okay with us trying to find some shelter?”
    She panted a little, her head tilting to the side until her big blue eyes met his.  “Wh-whatever you want, Orion.”
    He didn’t think she really meant it, but they were in no position to argue.  The road ahead was winding and dangerous, and the last thing he wanted to do was get into an accident and get stranded on the road.
    “Then we’re agreed?”  He glanced back at his brothers and found both of them looking at Sydney with worry and longing.  Taking their silence for agreement, he put the truck into gear and eased onto the road.
    He’d known the moment that he opened the door and met Sydney’s blue eyes that she was going to be their shared mate.  Every fiber of his being was in agreement with that.  But there was no way in hell that the fragile woman sitting in the seat next to him was ready to even think about joining with them.  He knew he could trust his brothers not to rush things, but they still needed a quick conversation to make sure they were all on the same page.
    After finding the dirt road on the left, the SUV eased slowly along it for so long that Orion was beginning to wonder if Crux had read the map wrong.  Just as he was contemplating having Sterling throw another punch at Crux’s shoulder, a clearing to the right opened up and he stopped.
    “Well, I can’t see a damn thing,” he muttered.  Looking over his shoulder, he waited for one of his brothers to volunteer to check out the clearing and see if a cabin was there.  Crux finally sighed.  “I’ll go.  Open the back so I can get the flashlight out of the emergency kit.”
    Orion pressed the button on the key to open the back and Crux quickly jumped out, shutting the door behind him.  He sloshed down the side of the SUV and appeared in the back, opening one of the storage compartments and pulling out the emergency kit.  He found the flashlight and shut the back, moving quickly away from the truck.  The flashlight moved back and forth quickly, and when a sudden flash of lightning lit up the area, they could see the cabin easily.  It was small and dark inside.
    Sydney whispered under her breath, and Orion said, “What are you saying, Sydney?”
    She glanced at him and then looked away.  “I was counting between the
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