Ever Present Danger
Rusty had favored when they were kids, Sasha romping alongside, yelping playfully.

    “Mom, whatever happened to Zeke?”

    “That old pooch lived to be sixteen, and then one morning his heart just stopped. Nearly killed Rusty when he couldn’t rouse him.”

    “Montana’s never had a dog. None of the places we lived would allow pets without a huge deposit.” Plus I couldn’t afford another mouth to feed .

    “Well, Sasha has more energy than your father and I ever imagined when we bought her. She loves to roam but never stays gone long. She seems to need a lot of company and affection. Montana will be good for her. How’s the hot cocoa?”

    Ivy nodded. “Good. Thanks.”

    “Does it seem strange being back in your old bedroom?”

    “Yeah, kind of. But I like the room yellow, and the patchwork quilt you have on the bed really looks nice.”

    “Thanks. I bought it from Kelsey Jones. She’s about your ageand married to our camp director. I’ll introduce you.”

    Ivy looked out at the log buildings nestled among the trees a couple hundred yards down the hill. “It never occurred to me you and Dad would sell off the property.”

    “We didn’t. We own the land and the facilities,” Carolyn said. “But after Rusty left home, we felt pretty isolated out here. So your dad got the idea to invest in building a camp and conference center. It’s been a wonderful way for us to stay plugged in somewhere without having to be involved in the day-to-day operation. Plus it’s been a real boost to the town’s economy, and we’ve met some of the most interesting people from all over the world.”

    “Don’t you ever miss looking out and seeing only land and mountains?”

    “The camp doesn’t obstruct our view of the mountains in the slightest, and we have enough privacy. I can’t wait to show you what a beautiful facility it is.”

    Ivy didn’t care if it looked like the Taj Mahal. Its presence was intrusive—and a stumbling block to preserving the memories of her childhood.

    “You look upset,” Carolyn said.

    “Not really. It was pretty dumb of me to think nothing had changed in ten years.”

    “A lot has changed in Tanner County, and especially Jacob’s Ear. You’re going to be amazed at the volume of tourists.”

    “Is Jewel’s Café still in business?”

    “Uh-huh. Your father and I ate breakfast there just this morning. Jewel Sadler still runs it. She’s getting old, but I don’t think the café has changed at all since you left.”

    Ivy smiled. “Is that dreadful moose head still hanging on the wall?”

    “Unfortunately.” Carolyn took a sip of cocoa. “Honey, do you think you should go check on Lu? If she sleeps much longer she may not sleep tonight.”

    “Don’t worry. Lu can always sleep.”

    Carolyn moved her spoon slowly back and forth in her cup. “You haven’t told me much about her.”

    “Lu lived in the apartment next to mine and knew I was spaced out on drugs and half the time didn’t even know Montana was there. She’d come get him and take care of him at her place. We’ve been through a lot together. Would it be okay if we don’t get into that right now?”

    “All right.”

    “So why is Dad avoiding me?”

    “Avoiding is a strong word. I think he’s cautious about opening his heart too quickly. Your absence has been devastating to him.”

    “I get that. But he was abrupt with Montana, don’t you think?”

    “I do. But again, he’s cautious about getting hurt again. Give him time.”

    “Maybe it was a mistake coming home.”

    Carolyn glanced up, her gaze colliding with Ivy’s. “Not if you’re serious about wanting to make things right. We love you. And there’s nothing we want more than to see you happy.”

    “I know. I don’t think until I had Montana that I understood how much parents love their kids.”

    “It’s pretty amazing, all right.”

    Ivy glanced at the calendar that was stuck to the refrigerator with a magnet. “I
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