English Knight

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Book: English Knight Read Online Free PDF
Author: Griff Hosker
Tags: Historical, Fiction & Literature, Action Suspense
There were four of them and they had a Gonfanon with a golden star on a red background.  They also had the same design on their shields.  The eight men at arms who followed them all displayed the same symbol. The four horsemen reined in as their men at arms hurried to catch them.
    Their leader raised his helmet and lowered his ventail so that he could speak with us.  “Who are you that dare to cross my lands?” I saw that he was little older than I was.
    My father took off his helmet. “I am Ridley of the Varangian Guard and we are travelling to England.”
    “Then you are spies of Henry brother of Curthose, the sons of the Bastard! Lay down your weapons.  You are my prisoners!”
    My companions did not seem at all discomfited by the young man’s words.  “We cannot do that for we are not spies. What is your name?”
    “I am Guillaume Fitzbois and I hold this demesne for my father Guy du Bois.  Surrender or die.”
    In answer my father swung around his shield and drew his sword. “You may try to kill us but as right and God are on our side I do not think that will happen.”
    The angry young man wheeled his horse and rode away. Was it over?  Had my father’s words discouraged them? Osric said, “They are going to get enough space to charge us, Master Alfraed: be ready.”
    I noticed that Ralph and Garth stood on either side of my father whilst the other four flanked me. Wulfstan murmured quietly, “Follow through with the blow if you have to strike.  These men will try to kill us.  Be in no doubt about that. A wounded man is twice as dangerous!” He nodded to me.  “Listen for Osric’s commands.  When he speaks obey him instantly and we shall all live.”
    The four riders halted and then lowered their spears. Behind them the four archers pulled back on their bows. As soon as the arrows were released the four horsemen, followed by the four men at arms with spears, charged towards us.  I felt the ground shake as they thundered up the hill. The arrows fell ineffectually short. I saw how clever Wulfstan had been in choosing this defensive position.  The slope was rounded like the bottom of a pot. The horses slowed as it became steeper. They would reach us at barely a walk. The young Guillaume Fitzbois was outstripping his peers and I heard Osric chuckle. “What a fool he is!” We held our shields up and the second flight of arrows thudded into them.
    The riders headed directly for my father.  I feared for him. The spear was lowered and pulled back ready to punch into my father’s mail.  I could not believe that he stood there so calmly.  As the spear head was pulled back a number of things happened all at once. First Osric shouted, “Charge!” It seemed bizarre for we were outnumbered and on foot.  They were on horses. I obeyed and we ran towards the advancing soldiers. The next thing was that Ralph and my father locked their shields and met the spear and thirdly Garth swung his war axe.  It smashed into the side of the head of Fitzbois’ horse.  There was a loud crack as the horse’s head was crushed by the head of the axe and Guillame Fitzbois flew over the head of his horse.
    Ralph swung his axe and it smashed into the shield of the second rider who fell at the feet of Egbert.  Egbert’s sword was pricked into his ventail in an instant, “Surrender or die!”
    The knight had no option.  He put up his hands and said, “I surrender.”
    Osric’s war axe smashed through the spear which was jabbed at him and Athelstan stabbed the surprised spearman in the stomach. A second spear came at Wulfstan who flicked it contemptuously to one side and then brought his sword down across the neck of the spearman.
    Behind me I heard Guillame Fitzbois yell, “We surrender! Quarter! We yield! You have won.”
    I turned to see my father with his sword at the throat of the felled knight. We had killed two men, a horse and defeated four knights and none of us had a scratch. How had seven old men and an
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