Enemy Way

Enemy Way Read Online Free PDF

Book: Enemy Way Read Online Free PDF
Author: Aimée & David Thurlo
family quickly stopped asking him questions. Ella noticed Gladys Bekis; they’d gone to high school together, though Gladys had been a senior when Ella had been a freshman. Gladys gave her a look filled with pity, then came over.
    “I know that you must be really upset now,” Gladys said. “But it was an accident,and Leo is sorry. He hasn’t been feeling well lately.”
    The statement seemed almost laughable. Ella’s hands clenched into fists. “How can you make excuses for that drunk?” she muttered, and turned away. “You’re almost as pathetic as he is.”
    “Wait. You just don’t understand,” Gladys said, and reached for Ella’s shoulder.
    Ella spun around, staring coldly right into the shorter woman’s face. Gladysturned white and stepped back. Ella got right back into her face. “My mother is going to live, which is damned lucky for you and for your drunken brother. But she may be on crutches the rest of her life. I’m going to make sure your brother pays for his crimes this time. Count on it.”
    Out of the corner of her eye, Ella became aware of Lulu Todea and another local reporter hurrying toward themwith a camera. Bekis’ family must have seen them at the same time, because Leo’s brother, Paul, quickly came over and led the speechless Gladys away.
    Lulu came directly up to Ella, while the second reporter targeted the Bekis family.
    “I understand Leo Bekis had been drinking when the accident happened,” Lulu said, holding a tape recorder up in front of Ella’s face. “You probably know by nowthat this is the third time he’s been arrested for DWI. How does that make you feel?”
    Ella knew she shouldn’t say anything, but she couldn’t hold back. “That man went to college to learn the law. He knows right from wrong in legal terms better than most of us. Still, he chose to dishonor his profession and family by getting behind the wheel drunk. Look at his condition right now, and verify thefacts for yourself. I intend to do everything I can to see that he suffers as much as my mother does.” Ella took a deep breath, trying to calm down. That’s when she heard Gladys speaking on behalf of her brother.
    “He didn’t do anything wrong. Yeah, he admits to having had one beer at a friend’s, but that’s it. The tests are incorrect. You’ll see. He took a bump on the head, and that’s what’smaking him dizzy.”
    Kauley stepped forward. “The Breathalyzer tests are notoriously inaccurate. My client was taking cough medicine. That’s why the alcohol level tested high.”
    Fury ripped through her. Ella turned to cross the hall, but, before she could reach the attorney or his client, Michael Cloud intercepted her.
    Another officer led the handcuffed Bekis away, allowing him to stagger downthe hallway as the reporter took photographs.
    Ella smiled mirthlessly as she turned to face Lulu. “You know how a drunk man walks. I think you can see where the truth lies.”
    Suddenly, Leo’s brother Paul shoved the photographer and, as the man stumbled, the camera flew into the air, hitting the floor with a crunch. Paul moved in on the photographer, who was scrambling for the camera, but beforePaul could land a punch, Officer Cloud stepped between them. Intercepting Paul’s swing, he twisted his arm and pushed him against the wall hard.
    “Paul Bekis, you’re under arrest for assault.”
    Suddenly Gladys yelled and leaped on Michael’s back, trying to pry him away from her brother. Ella grabbed her away roughly, and, forcing her to the floor, handcuffed her hands behind her back. Gladys struggledfor a few moments, but Ella was bigger and stronger, and the other woman finally gave up.
    A camera flash went off right in front of Ella’s face. Through the dots of brilliant light that hung in front of her eyes, Ella saw Lulu had pulled out her own camera.
    “Get that damn thing away from me before I cite you for interfering with an arrest,” she snapped.
    “I’m just doing my job,” Lulu
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