End Zone: Texas Titans 2
even remember the name of the jocks who used to hold her
    “I’ve been good,” he said, standing to
offer Gale his hand.
    His manners are impeccable. Kristen realized he would be at home dining in five-star
restaurants or attending one of the many political fundraising galas she
    “You?” Matt asked.
    “I can’t complain.” Gale tossed a glance
over her shoulder before an awkward silence shrouded the table. “This is my…
uh… friend, Robert Channing. Robert, Matt Hudson.”
    Kristen cringed when Robert gave Matt a
cursory glance before dismissing him without a word.
    Obviously trying to break the silence, Gale
said, “What do you do, Matt?” She held up her hand. “Wait, let me guess.
Engineer? Professor? Accountant?”
    Matt chuckled and settled a warm hand on
Kristen’s shoulder. “No, no, and no. I’m the marketing director for High
Rollers, a chain of sports bars.”
    Knowing he would be too modest to tell them
the whole story, Kristen piped in, “And part owner. Matt and his friends
founded the chain.” She couldn’t contain her smug smile when she saw Robert’s
eyes narrow.
    “Seriously?” Gale asked, wide-eyed. “That’s
a huge chain.”
    “We do okay,” Matt said, holding out the
chair next to him and gesturing for Gale. He clearly didn’t want to get stuck
next to Robert, not that Kristen could blame him.
    “I’d say that’s an understatement,” Gale
said, smiling at Matt once she was seated.
    Her friend was clearly smitten, not that
Kristen could blame her. Matt was a walking, talking poster boy for erotic
    “Why didn’t you tell me y’all were seeing
each other?” Gale asked Kristen once the gentlemen were seated.
    Kristen should have known that question was
coming. She didn’t want to admit she and Matt weren’t technically seeing each
other. If Robert assumed they were, he might take it as a sign and leave her
alone. Her ex still couldn’t accept that one mistake was reason enough to call
off their engagement. In Kristen’s mind, sleeping with one woman while
committed to another was more than a mistake; it was an unforgiveable sin.
    Robert’s eyes were fixed on Kristen,
waiting for her to respond. Thankfully, Matt stepped in to save her the
embarrassment of having to stretch the truth.
    “We just reconnected recently.” Matt put
his arm around the back of Kristen’s chair and drew her closer. He obviously
sensed Kristen wanted to send her ex a message, and he seemed happy to help her
deliver it, loud and clear. “We wanted to give it a little time, see where
things were going before we told our friends and family we’re a couple.”
    Kristen looked at him, stunned how easily
the lie fell from his lips. The boy genius she knew would turn ten shades of
red when he tried to lie. Apparently deceit was one of the not-so-great
character traits he’d picked up on his path to sexy.
    “I think it’s great,” Gale gushed, touching
Matt’s arm. “I always thought you were one of the sweetest boys in school. I
used to tell Kristen that all the time, didn’t I, Kris?”
    The lies were flying around the table so
fast, Kristen felt she might get whiplash trying to follow them. “Is that what
you used to say, Gale?” Kristen smiled sweetly as she reached for her wine
glass. She would be surprised if Gale had even known Matt’s name in high
    Gale narrowed her eyes, clearly expecting
her friend to back her up.
    Robert reached for his scotch, his eyes
never leaving Kristen. “So did y’all keep in touch after graduation?”
    If he was trying to get her to admit to
seeing other men during their two-year relationship, he would be sadly
disappointed. Kristen didn’t play those games or respect anyone who did.
    “Unfortunately not,” Matt said, letting his
fingers trail down Kristen’s bare arm. “I got caught up in business, married,
divorced, you know the drill.” He looked Robert in the eye. “Building a
business can get in the way
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